Drakengard follows the story of a kingdomless prince named Caim who fights for the Union against the Empire. Under the Union's protection are the Hierarchs and the Goddess, current...
Drakengard 2 is a direct sequel to the original Drakengard: the story revolves around Nowe, a boy raised by the dragon Legna, fighting against a tyrannical faction of Knights, enco...
After trying to rescue a drowning young woman, the the hero of Young Merlin is drawn into a fantasy world which is threatened by the evil Shadow King. Naturally, it is your job to...
7th Dragon - японская ролевая видеоигра и первая игра в серии 7th Dragon. Действие 7-го Дракона происходит в мире Эдем, 80% которого управляется драконами, поэтому предпосылка игры...
Achaea is one of the longest running MMOs, pioneers of the pay-for-perks model so many MMOs are using today.
7th Dragon 2020 is a Japanese role-playing game and a spin-off sequel to the original 7th Dragon. It changes the setting from 7th Dragon's generic fantasy world to post-apocalyptic...
7th Dragon 2020-II is a Japanese role-playing game and the sequel to 7th Dragon 2020. Set a year after the events of the first game, Murakumo has moved its main base from the Metro...
7th Dragon III Code: VFD - это предстоящая игра в серии японских ролевых игр 7th Dragon. Это позволит игрокам выбирать из восьми заданий и 32 выступлений для членов своей партии, а...
Black Lamp. Capture it... and the hand of a princess. No joke. Jolly Jack the Jester wants more from his boss (the King) than a few good laughs. He wants his daughter's hand in...
Black Tiger, known in Japan as Black Dragon, is a 1987 action game released for the arcades by Capcom. A barbarian hero jumps and fights his way through a variety of colourful, en...
Dragon Spirit is a vertical scrolling shooter arcade game that was released by Namco in 1987 and licensed to Atari Games for its American manufacture and distribution. In the kingd...
Dizzy and Daisy strolled through the enchanted forest without a care in the world...but suddenly the Evil King's trolls seized poor Daisy! She was sent to Wizard Weird's Tallest To...
Who would have thought that a man would be so foolish or so daring as to accept a challenge set down by the Gods? And yet one came forward to claim the right to test his skills and...
Tenseiryuu: Saint Dragon (天聖龍 SAINT DRAGON?) is a side-scrolling shoot 'em up video game originally released as a coin-op by Jaleco in 1989.[1] It was converted to several home...
Switchblade II is a computer action game. It was released for the Amiga and the Atari ST by Gremlin in May 1991, and for the Atari Lynx in 1992. A sequel to Switchblade, Switchb...
Jackie and his sister, Josephine, are tough on tyrants. As China's supreme kung fu champs, they guard their country against the Prince of Sorcerers, who lurks just beyond the Great...
Darkmere - The Nightmare's Begun is an action-adventure game developed by Zero Hour Software and published by Core Design Ltd. in 1993. It is Zero Hour's only title to date. Core D...
Players control one of three dragon lords competing to find the (game winning) talisman. This is achieved by raising dragons, empowering them via alchemy, and then sending them to...
Players join pepper the Mouse, as the game teaches players typing, spelling, and time-telling.
For ten years your glorious band has fought Evil wherever it has threatened the Realms. Lord Bane has suffered many defeats at your hands and new peace washes over the land. Now yo...
One or two players bust through blocks in various formations using a paddle and ball, trying to reach an exit located in the center of the blocks in order to advance to the next wa...
The city of Mittledorf is in chaos - an evil cousin of the King is oppressing the people. Your cousin Sven is not evil though, so when he disappears, you head to Mitteldorf to try...
The pseudo-sequel to Darkmere, Dragonstone has a look and feel influenced by Zelda games. Agon is the villain whose hordes you must destroy. The game is split across 7 multi-direct...
is a multiplayer fighting game that built on the innovative gameplay introduced by its predecessor, Power Stone. Power Stone 2 allows up to four players to choose from multiple cha...
Evil Islands is a PC game by Nival Interactive that combines role-playing, stealth, and real-time strategy. It is the third game of the Allods franchise, after Rage of Mages and Ra...
Karnov is a 1987 platform arcade game. It is the debut of Data East's mascot of the same name. After Data East became defunct due to bankruptcy in 2003, Paon, a company comprising...
Heroes of Might and Magic: Quest for the Dragon Bone Staff is a 2001 video game released on the PlayStation 2. Though 3DO did not advertise it as such, the game is an enhanced rema...