The 9th installment of the Tantei Jinguuji Saburo series. Jinguuji is bored and tired after several months without any cases. He gladly returns to work when the Kanto mafia request...
The second game in the Tantei Jinguuji Saburo franchise. The top down RPG style investigation is removed in this game, making this a purely menu based adventure game. A murder happ...
Meitantei Conan (名探偵コナン) also known as Detective Conan is an adventure game based on anime and manga with the same title. While this is not the first Meitantei Conan game to...
RAINSWEPT - это приключенческая игра - детектив об убийстве, затрагивающая темы любви, взаимоотношений и неразрешенных травм. Основное внимание уделяется передаче эмоциональной ист...
Вы детектив Хэнк Андерсон, и вас только что перевели в другой город, чтобы помочь раскрыть серию необычных преступлений. По прибытии вас встречает кровавая сцена и раскрытие нескол...
The Watchmaker is a real-time 3D adventure of mystery and magic. Lawyer Victoria Conroy and paranormal expert Darrel Boone are charged with the mission of recovering a magical, pen...
Step into the shoes of a private detective and solve puzzling cases in this brand-new FREE hidden object game! Hunt down clues and expose the hidden motives of criminals the cops c...
An adult murder mystery/detective visual novel with 2 stories taking place at the same time. The point of view can be swapped between the main characters, a private detective hired...
This debut game from developer Goichi Suda (also known as Suda51) follows the investigation of a series of murders which appear to match the profile of the killer responsible for a...
Tantei Jinguuji Saburou: Kiken na Futari is the third game in the Jinguuji Saburo series, known in the West as Jake Hunter. It was originally released across two Famicom Disk Syste...
Интерпретируйте закон так, как считаете нужным в Это полиция 2, продолжении нашумевшей нуар-драмы Это полиция! Руководите отделом шерифа, управляйте своими копами, проводите рассле...
A horror game about a guy lost in a mansion where everything is made of cardboard. Escaping from the house won’t be an easy task! Some of the rooms are locked and the player will n...
Играйте за детектива, расследующего ваше первое дело в маленьком городке Уэйхейвен, открывая вам глаза на мир, который больше, чем вы думали. Этот интерактивный роман о сверхъестес...
Sverigejakten is a Swedish educational game where the player needs to catch the bad guy by travelling around Sweden as detectives.
Remedy is an adventure game about the English girl Carol housesitting for a friend in Sweden. When her detective friend Conrad Vogel passes away, she decides to try and solve the c...
An 3rd person Point and Click adventure game for DOS. You play as Mason Powers, a former CIA agent, who wakes up with his memory erased. While recovering from his amnesia he realis...
Crime code is a combination of a criminal quest and a detective simulator with sharp plot twists and vivid characters. A young detective investigates intricate cases, bringing to l...
Не зная ни сна, ни отдыха, ни благодарности, преданные совершают огромное служение на благо людей, которых они когда-то поклялись защищать. Единственная награда преданных - это еще...
In spite of its title, the game has little to do with the famous movie Casablanca beyond a few loose references. It is a text adventure with graphics, in which the player types tex...
Take the role of a legendary detective to investigate a mysterious murder at a mansion in the woods. A fully original mystery game with an illustrated anime style story and charact...
Серийный убийца на свободе, и только вы можете остановить Призрака! История сосредоточена на Кояме Кадзуки, молодом детективе, нанятом Играсилом. Агентство, которое расследует убий...
Таинственная текстово-приключенческая / визуальная новелла-игра с системой расследования, которая включает в себя поиск несоответствий в доказательствах и свидетельских показаниях,...
Blade Runner: Revelations is an enthralling interactive story and full VR game based on the iconic Blade Runner universe, set shortly after the original film and leading up to the...
The Forgotten City - это таинственная приключенческая игра о разведке и дедукции, а также переосмысление одноименного мода, получившего признание критиков. Бой - это вариант, но на...
Играйте за детектива Канаме Датэ, расследующего дело неуловимого серийного убийцы в этой захватывающей научно-фантастической тайне убийства.
While working in Mexico and aiding in the fight against the Mexican drug cartels, DEA Specialist Professor J. Brenner was kidnapped by the cartel after an undercover Special Agent...
New York City has been hit with a series of murders and the body count is piling up. For FBI Agent Nicole Bonnet, finding a lead is becoming impossible, as it seems the victims are...