Yu Yu Hakusho: Dark Tournament brings the action of the animated series' Dark Tournament Saga to the interactive realm through a fast-paced fighting game. The game features several...
Shaman King follows the story of Yoh Asakura, a junior high student who has the rare power to communicate with ghosts and spirits. In the game, you'll assume the role of Yoh as he...
Conquer your demons and you may conquer the world in this distinctly styled role-playing adventure for the PlayStation 2. Some have compared the look of this game to Tim Burton's T...
Can you find your lost friend until it's too late? Welcome to the snowy town of Mizzurna Falls. You play as a young man Matthew, who is looking for his disappeared childhood frien...
Will the madness ever end? It doesn't look likely, with conflict on a global scale flaring up again for the increasingly weary Green Army, as they fight to keep liberty and justice...
Metal Slug: 2nd Mission is an Action game, developed by Ukiyotei and published by SNK, which was released in Japan in 2000. Take control of the Metal Slug tank on the NGPC once ag...
Silent Scope 3 contains an original story mode with numerous new areas created exclusively for the PlayStation2. As an added bonus, all 14 missions from the smash-hit arcade game S...
UBIK is a tactical action/strategy video game published and developed by Cryo Interactive Entertainment that was released in 1998. The game is very loosely based on a a Philip K. D...
Очаровательный мир LUNAR вновь оживает в расширенной версии сиквела классической ролевой игры для игровой консоли PlayStation. Через тысячу лет после событий LUNAR присоединяйтесь...
Classic Mortal Kombat action returns as you defend the Earth against the most lethal fighters from Outworld. Immerse yourself in battle and prepare for the fight of your life as yo...
Сражаясь с бесчисленными Мастерами роботов на протяжении многих лет, Mega Man готов откинуться на спинку стула, расслабиться и насладиться своим 25-летием. Узнав об этом, Рю и его...
Spawn: The Eternal is based on Todd McFarlane's Spawn comics. The game switches back and forth between two styles of play. There's an exploration mode, which is along the lines of...
Phantasy Star Gaiden is a Sega Game Gear released as part of the Phantasy Star franchise. It was only released in Japan. Phantasy Star Gaiden plays pretty much like any other Phan...
This game is a Japanese-style adventure game set in the Phantasy Star universe. The player interacts with the game world by choosing available options such as See, Talk, Move, etc....
Congo the Movie: The Lost City of Zinj is a first-person shooter developed by Jumpin Jack and published by Sega for the Sega Saturn in 1996. The game uses elements of the film Con...
In the 21st century, powerful computer systems were invented. but humanity failed to control them. Near the end of the century, one such computer system, the weapon system Orion, t...
This stand-alone expansion to Armored Core 2 includes 100 new missions based five years after the events in AC2. Once again your task is to complete a range of tasks (from destroyi...
All contact is lost with a submarine on a routine mission which then crashes into an underwater facility. The occupants of the underwater facility are ordered to board the submarin...
Life isn't always easy for the Crown Prince of Radactian. When the High-Tech World arcade opened up, someone in your castle tore the map into eight pieces! But it's such a cool arc...
He has been summoned by Daikak, the great leader of the Summit Temple, to stop a war between factions of warlords. The player explores temples and defeats enemies like ghosts, ninj...
Psycho Fox must get to the right hand side of the level. However, there are many enemies in the way. He can use a Shinto stick to change into characters/animals like a hippopotamus...
Yuko Ahso looks like an ordinary grammar school student, but she is actually the Valis Warrior. I defeated King Rogles of the Dark World with the Valis sword which was given to me...
Splatterhouse 3 is a video game released by Namco for the Mega Drive/Genesis in 1993. It is the sequel to Splatterhouse 2 and was one of the first games to be given a rating by Seg...
Choose again from Thor the Warrior, Thyra the Valkyrie, Merlin the Wizard and Questor the Elf (each with their own advantages/disadvantages) and 1 to 4 players(supports Sega's four...
In just a few years, mankind has succeeded in destroying the environment and endangering all living species. Under the guidance of the evil Dr. Machino, robotic machines were built...
Three months have gone by since the events of the first game. The Terror Mask, which has reformed after breaking at the climax of the first game, appears to Rick and repeatedly tem...