Eldarya is a visual novel created by ChiNoMiko and developed by Beemoov, taking place in a fantasy world where the player character (often referred to as Erika) has the ability to...
Café Rouge is an otome visual novel featuring 3+ pursue-able male love interests, 12 side characters, and 7+ hours of gameplay. Follow the story of Isis Black, your typical America...
Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side: 3rd Story is the third game in the series. It features a whole new colorful cast of characters and storyline and like the previous games in the serie...
Майами, 1986 год. Чело Мартинес начал частное расследование, чтобы найти пропавших людей. Принимайте трудные решения, раскрывайте дела и находите любовь: но у вас может не хватить...
Kanno Hotori was a normal girl leading a normal life. One day, out of the blue, two unfamiliar guys appear before her. The strangely-dressed guys informed her: 'You only have one...
A port of For Symphony: With All One's Heart for the PlayStation Portable. The port adds a music player mode, galleries displaying sprites, CGs, 4-komas and production images.
Second game in the Moon Observatory series (previously titled Magical Otoge). Anholly is the only person who lives in the freezing town of Solvalis. One day, she meets a dying ice...
Игра-симулятор жизни, предназначенная для тех, кто вырос с Harvest Moon.
Cute Demon Crashers! is a visual novel about consent and feeling safe in intimacy.
2083 AD. Akizuki High’s Superpower Club accomplishes their first victory and dominated the nationwide competition. However, the joy was only momentary. Due to a violent incident in...
In Love Letter From Thief X, an otome visual novel for the Android and iOS platforms you play as a curator for a museum. One day the museum you work for is broken in to, but why ar...
A mix between a RPG and an adventure simulation game.
AKB1/48 Idol to Guam to Koishitara... is the second entry in the AKB1/48 dating sim series where you are invited to Guam to spend time and date one of the 48 group members.
AKB1/48: Idol to Koishitara is a dating sim based on the AKB48 idol group.
A Japanese otome visual novel by honeybee, originally released for PC then ported to Playstation Vita as Ayakashi Gohan ~Oomori!~. Its sequel Ayakashi Gohan ~Okawari!~ was planned...
Совершите путешествие на экзотический райский остров для нового захватывающего приключения в этом долгожданном продолжении популярного гибрида симулятора свиданий и логической игры...
There is a fairy-tale story of a traveling prince who falls in love with a princess but are torn apart. The story is told by a young boy to the main character as a young girl in a...
How has the sun disappeared from Virgo Island? Hear the story from an elegant lady or a sassy warrioress. Each has their own version of the events that led to the sun's disappearan...
Otome visual novel developed by Ichicolumn Inc. for PS Vita.
Играйте за мужчину или женщину в этом симуляторе ужасных свиданий. На тебя было наложено проклятие, может ли любовь быть лекарством от того, что тебя беспокоит?
Разветвленный диалог! Трудный выбор! Целое кладбище фантомов, привидений и полтергейстов, ищущих любовь во всех гиблых местах. Speed Dating for Ghosts - это странный симулятор свид...