Diddy Kong Racing is set on Timber's Island and revolves around Diddy Kong and his friends' attempt to defeat the intergalactic antagonist, a wizarding pig named Wizpig, through wi...
You killed the Demons once, they were all dead. Or so you thought... A single Demon Entity escaped detection. Systematically it altered decaying, dead carnage back into grotesque l...
К. Рул похитил конгов! Сможет ли Донки Конг спасти своих друзей, вернуть Золотые бананы и спасти свою родину от неминуемой гибели? Достаньте несколько кремлингов с помощью ананасов...
One morning Sarge is resting in his cot when the Tan launch a surprise attack on the Green base. Sarge and the Colonel are forced to retreat just as the base is overrun. But in the...
Игроки Fighting Force управляют одним из четырех персонажей. Они перемещаются по городским и научно-фантастическим средам, сражаясь с волнами надвигающихся врагов с помощью оружия,...
An updated version of Hiryuu no Ken: Twin (Flying Dragon overseas), entitled SD Hiryuu no Ken Densetsu (lit. SD Legend of the Fist of the Flying Dragon), was released in Japan only...