X-Men enter the realm of role-playing games with an intense story, superhero action, and multiplayer modes. The story in X-Men Legends begins when the X-Men learn that Magneto has...
X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse is an action role-playing game and a sequel to X-Men Legends. The player controls a party of four characters, though only one at a time can be...
X-Men: Next Dimension is a fighting game and the third game in the X-Men: Mutant Academy game series. Next Dimension expands upon the concept of the first two games by adding sever...
X-Men: The Official Game (also known as X3: The Official Game) is Activision's tie-in video game to the 2006 film X-Men: The Last Stand. The game covers the events of the films X2:...
Marvel Super Hero Squad - это игра в жанре beat-em-up для одного-четырех игроков, созданная по мотивам анимационного телесериала Marvel. Действие игры происходит в городе суперг...
Welcome to the world of Lunar, where reigns the magic and dragons still live. Join Alex, a young adventurer and his companions Luna, Ramus and Nall, to save the land of the Magic E...
It came from space more than a millenium before. Two-tons of advanced technology, programmed only for destruction. The five mightiest wizards of the land joined forces and drew awa...
Samurai Warriors is the first title in the series of hack and slash video games created by Koei's Omega Force team based loosely around the Sengoku (Warring States) period of Japan...
В этой безумно запутанной 2-D приключенческой игре исследуйте уникальные условия и сражайтесь с причудливыми существами, пробираясь к центру таинственной планеты Теней! Решайте сло...
In Trip World, you play as a strange creature called Yakopoo, who has to recover his tribe's stolen flower to prevent the villagers from fighting each other.
The second installment in the AoF series added the rage gauge; similar to the spirit system of its predecessor, it limited the use and effectiveness of special attacks. The game's...
In Riviera: The Promised Land, you'll follow two fierce warriors--each armed with godly weapons--in a mission to defeat demons once and for all. The adventure included lets you exp...
Street Fighter Alpha 3, третья игра в серии Alpha, насчитывает в общей сложности 31 бойца, что на данный момент больше всего в серии. Среди новых персонажей - старые фавориты Э. Хо...
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift - это файтинг, разработанный Arc System Works как прямое продолжение BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger. BlazBlue: Continuum Shift сохраняет традиционный игровой...
Street Fighter, designed by Takashi Nishiyama and Hiroshi Matsumoto, made its debut in the arcades in 1987. In this game, the player takes control of martial artist Ryu, who compet...
Bloodforge is a third person hack and slash game developed by Climax Studios and published by Microsoft Studios. It was released on XBLA exclusively, on April 25th 2012.
This unique RPG features game consoles personified as goddesses, CPUs (Console Patron Units), who you can customize visually with equipment to enhance their stats. Players take the...
Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 is the second game in the Hyperdimension Neptunia franchise and the sequel to the first game. The game features the Goddesses' little sisters as the mai...
Now you can choose your favorite heroes from the worlds of Street Fighter and Marvel Super Heroes to face off in a head-to-head battle for supremacy. Dive into the action to perfor...
Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes - файтинг, разработанный и изданный компанией Capcom. Это четвертая игра из серии файтингов Marvel vs. Capcom. В четвертой части серии компан...
Champions Online is an MMORPG that takes place in a comic book universe set primarily in Millennium City. Create a superhero and help defend the world from crime alongside your fel...
Released in 1995, X-Men 2: Clone Wars is a platform game created by Headgames and published by Sega of America for the Mega Drive/Genesis. Serving as a sequel to 1993's X-Men, the...
Warlords Battlecry III further expands the Battlecry tradition of featuring persistent RPG-like fantasy heroes with its retinue of loyal followers fighting massive battles in the W...
Aliens versus Predator offers three separate campaigns, each playable as a separate species: Alien, Predator, or human Colonial Marine. Each player character has different objectiv...
Featuring all your favorite characters from the hit TV show, the first Inuyasha fighting game for the PlayStation 2 features a mission mode, a battle mode for versus gameplay, prac...
A game in which mankind sends its bio-engineered troops to stop a parasite race from destroying the universe. Evolva combines the excitement of a fast paced shoot-em-up with the...
700 years before the events of Ys I & II, the land of Ys was on the brink of destruction. Demons came in droves and forced the twin Goddesses who ruled the land to whisk their subj...
Primal рассказывает историю Дженнифер Тейт, 21-летней девушки, которая ищет своего парня, проходя через ряд демонических миров. По мере развития сюжета раскрывается все больше инфо...