Neon Genesis Evangelion: Girlfriend of Steel, also known as Neon Genesis Evangelion: Iron Maiden, is a video game based on the Gainax anime/manga series Neon Genesis Evangelion, re...
Action game, based on the Shonen Jump manga. This sequel to the very first Naruto game on the GBA (the second game was a much different simulation/adventure) has three-times the am...
Naruto: Ninja Council, known as Naruto: Saikyou Ninja Daikesshuu in the Japanese version, is the first instalment in the Ninja Council series. There are scrolls that the playable c...
Dragon Ball GT: Transformation is a Game Boy Advance action game based on the Japanese cartoon Dragon Ball GT. Transformation follows the Dragon Ball GT storyline from the Child Go...
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes is an English-exclusive fighting game and is the first English Naruto game on the PlayStation Portable. Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes is essentially...
Naruto Shippūden: Shinobi Rumble is the fifth instalment of the Ninja Council series on the Nintendo DS.
Naruto: Clash of Ninja 2 offers several different game modes such as Arcade mode, VS mode, and Story mode. You can unlock new features such as new characters, stages, and modes by...
Cliff Hanger is a laserdisc video game that was released by Stern Electronics in 1983. It is an interactive movie which requires the player to press a button or move the joystick i...
Girls will embrace the magic within and discover their inner fairy in Winx Club: Magical Fairy Party, through the enchanting story and exciting mini-games filled with fairies, fash...
Приключенческий режим Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood позволяет игрокам пережить приключения братьев Элрик, когда они пытаются сорвать грязный заговор и сразиться с другими могуще...
Players will realize their dreams of battling the most vile and evil characters from Saint Seiya in one-on-one bouts that take place through the storylines from the anime series. T...
Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Battle Trainer is a Bakugan game for the Nintendo DS. It has a few minigames, and it's also a remake of Bakugan Battle Brawlers (video game). There are thi...
Сразитесь с дуэлянтами по всему миру вместе с Ю-Ги-О! Дуэльные ссылки! Шагните в мир, который пересекает измерения и соединяет всех дуэлянтов. В мире дуэлей любая локация превращае...
Attack on Titan: Escape from Certain Death is a visual novel and game made for the Nintendo 3DS. It features an original story which takes place before the 57th Exterior Scouting M...
Third person survival horror game based on the anime movie and book series of the same name.
Multiplayer battle game based on the Naruto manga and anime, as well as its sequel series about Naruto's son Boruto.
Newtypes! Gundam Versus, the action packed arcade smash hit, is coming to the West. With over 90 mobile suits available, GUNDAM fans can outsmart their opponents in explosive onlin...
The Legend of the Mystical Ninja is a light-hearted action-adventure game for 1-2 players by Konami, and was released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in 1991. It is the...
An outcast warrior enters a land plagued by an evil curse. Guts is unlike ordinary men for he carries the Dragon Slayer, a mighty blade of retribution whose fury knows no equal. Hi...
A horizontal scrolling shooter, players control the title hover ship in an attempt to completely construct the ship into a giant robot and to destroy any enemies attempting to stop...
Люблю жить! School idol festival - это бесплатная ритм-игра, выпущенная для iOS и Android, основанная на Love Live! франшиза. В игре есть два режима (Story и Live) и все девять уча...
Dragon Ball FighterZ рождается из того, что делает серию Dragon Ball такой любимой и знаменитой: бесконечных зрелищных боев с ее всемогущими бойцами.
SD Gundam G Generation: Mono-Eye Gundams is a Strategy game, developed by Vanguard Works and published by Bandai, which was released in Japan in 2002.
Mobile Suit Gundam: EX Revue is an updated version of the first Gundam fighting game. Like its predecessor, it is a Street Fighter II-style versus fighter based on the original 197...
Kidou Senshi Gundam: Giren no Yabou - Tokubetsu-hen Aokisei no Hasha is a Strategy game, developed by Vanguard Works and published by Bandai, which was released in Japan in 2003.
Inuyasha: Kagome no Yume Nikki is a Role-Playing game, developed by Tomcat System and published by Bandai, which was released in Japan in 2002.