The story revolves around a hero who awakens in a field, without any memories of who he is or where he comes from. After befriending a magician named Darus and rescuing Princess Le...
Kamen Rider SD is a tokusatsu-themed board game., developed and published by Angel (Bandai), which was released in Japan in 1993.
A Famicom baseball game developed by Human and published by Bandai. It superficially resembles Namco's Famista series. Meimon! Daisan Yakyuubu (Meimon! The Third Baseball Club) is...
The second game based on the Osomatsu-kun anime and manga, released in 1989 for Famicom. Osomatsu-kun: Back to the Me no Deppa no Maki is an Adventure game, developed by TOSE and...
A baseball game by Sunsoft released on the Family Computer in 1991. Nantettatte!! Baseball is a baseball game with the innovative feature of being able to update team rosters with...
An RPG brawler released for the Family Computer and Super Famicom based on the anime and manga of the same name. Both were developed by TOSE and published by Bandai. Rokudenashi B...
A NES adventure game based on the anime of the same name, which is an adaptation of Little Lord Fauntleroy. Shoukoushi Ceddie (sometimes Cedie) is the Japanese title of the 1886 F...
A fishing sim based on a manga license for the NES. It was developed by Victor Interactive and never released outside of Japan. Tsurikichi Sanpei: Blue Marlin Hen (lit: Fishing Ma...
An adventure game based on an anime film of the same name, published for the Famicom by Kemco. Toki no Tabibito Time Stranger is an adventure game with a heavy emphasis on text co...
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R is a video game released for the Super Famicom by Bandai in 1993. It serves as a sequel to Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon. Upon starting the game, the p...
Booby Kids is an action video game for the Nintendo Family Computer. This video game is the home conversion of Nichibutsu's arcade game, Kid no Hore Hore Daisakusen (キッドのホレホ...
Fifth grader Edojou Honmaru is one of the most trodden-upon losers in his class, until he meets Magical Taluluto-kun. Taluluto's powers help him deal with all his hardships, such a...
Dragon Ball Z: Goku Hishou-den is a RPG/Strategy oriented game, as the player chooses when to move, charge energy, punch, kick, or do any number of different special attacks, then...
Race against generations of Kamen Rider! -Kamen Rider 1- -Kamen Rider 2- -Kamen Rider V3- -Kamen Rider Riderman- -Kamen Rider X- -Kamen Rider Amazon- -Kamen Rider Stronger...
Based on the popular TV animation, Doraemon must race his friends and win the cup!
Ranma 1/2: Kakugeki Mondou!! is a Role-Playing game, developed by Sun L and published by Banpresto, which was released in Japan in 1993.
A cure?! Ranma recieved a letter and seeks the truth! Interact with the townspeople, and fight for your survival! Immerse yourself in a day in Ranma's life.
Long before God even born, the Earth was formed by the law of nature. However, Dr. Gallipoli, which appeared from the dark world, scattered and dispersed his own monsters in variou...
Crayon Shin-Chan: Ora to Shiro ha Otomodachi Dayo is a platforming game based off the Crayon Shin-Chan manga, mostly popular in Japan although translated and published in a couple...
This game is a one on one Mecha fighter where you control a giant robot straight out of a Japanese B movie and engage 8 equally giant creatures of darkness in mortal combat.
The first game of the series, which only features sentient robots from the Universal Century Gundam series, Mazinger series and Getter Robo series. It is one of the only independen...
Cult Jump is an adventure trivia video game developed by Sun L and published by Bandai Co. for the Game Boy. A crossover game exclusive to Japan, it was released on September 10, 1...
Captain Tsubasa VS is a soccer RPG/Strategy hybrid that plays out in a cinematic perspective. The game is based on the popular Japanese manga/anime of the same name and was release...
Battle Dodge Ball is a part of the Japanese exclusive Compati Hero Series. Gundam, Kamen Rider V3, and Ultraman Taro are the main representatives of the 'heroes' side of the six te...
Dirty Racing is a top-down racing game, developed by Gremlin Interactive and published by Jaleco Entertainment, which was released exclusively in Japan in 1993. After a race, yo...
The year is 200X. Jin, Akira and Lena are 6th Grade friends who have grown up together. They are also members of the Mystery Club which searches for interesting and mysterious thin...
Based on the Duel Masters Trading Card game in Japan, Duel Masters: Sempai Legends puts you in the role of a kohai (junior duelist). Your grandfather, a great Sempai (senior duelis...