This gripping paranormal horror adventure revolves around Hermitage, the sinister bookstore that attracts most unusual customers – all of whom seem to be involved in mysterious cas...
Alan Sharp is a First Person mystery horror story-driven video game, focused on exploration, survival, puzzles and open-world investigation. Get into the shoes of Alan Sharp, a pr...
A mystery visual novel about six students forced to play a 12-hour long killing game.
Enter a huge manor to fix the mess you've made summoning a beast from the depths. Look for the three sacred grimoires, hidden in a labyrinth made of rooms, closed doors and unsolv...
An original game by Team Meatpie, featuring a girl named Nicole exploring a dream world.
Stray Cat Crossing - это инди-пиксельная хоррор-игра о встрече с таинственной маленькой девочкой по имени Кэт. Исследуйте сюрреалистический мир, наполненный красочными персонажами,...
Just so there’s no temporal confusion, “It’s Time” is a classic point and click adventure game, that focuses on Time Travel. As the lead operative in a shadowy government organizat...
The third installment of Ben Croshaw's Chzo Mythos features the infamous cat burglar Trilby, as he proceeds to track down the cursed wooden idol, that contains the murderous soul o...
“Dead By Murder” - это стратегическая игра-загадка убийства, в которой пользователь играет за полицейского детектива и должен раскрыть серию дел об убийствах. Игра имеет внешний ви...
While working in Mexico and aiding in the fight against the Mexican drug cartels, DEA Specialist Professor J. Brenner was kidnapped by the cartel after an undercover Special Agent...
Первое прохождение When The Darkness Comes занимает около часа, и кажется, что вы блуждаете по неисправному жесткому диску, полному абстрактных снов и прекрасных кошмаров. Рассказч...
Suddenly the so called doppelganger incident occurred in a usually peaceful school, causing the members of the occult research department to begin an investigation about the conspi...
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - The Contempt of Court is a fangame based on the Ace Attorney series. Created across eight years, the game features various four original cases in the...
A year after the fire at Fazbear's Fright, a rich and creative inventor in England, only known as Fritz, has taken the role of continuing the animatronic pizzeria brand with his ow...
Class Escape is a puzzle game with five different rooms to discover and solve. Only by solving one room can you enter the next room. You will be going from the normal classroom to...
Demonologist is a Co-Op horror game that can be played with a maximum of 4 people and at least 1 person. Your goal is to detect the evil spirit type in cursed places with your team...
Это история молодого агента ФБР Николь Боннет. Ее первая задача - раскрыть серию жутких убийств, жертвами которых становятся богатые и видные представители общества. Оружие преступ...
Join intrepid sailor and recent island castaway Mina as she explores the hidden secrets within the Jules Verne classic inspired Mysterious Island. Gather key articles left from the...
Jenny LeClue - это приключенческая игра, ориентированная на исследование сюжета, с запоминающимися персонажами, уникальной эстетикой и эпической запутанной тайной. Дженни - блестя...
Firo & Klawd is an isometric action game developed by Interactive Studios and published by BMG. To take the role of Firo (an ape police detective) or Klawd (an alley cat) while the...
An investigation adventure in which the player, acting as an unnamed Japanese detective, is called to solve the murder of a bank executive by searching for clues, exploring differe...
Guide radio hosts Poe and Munro through six episodes of supernatural FMV adventure in the strange town of August! From the creators of award winning FMV games The Infectious Madnes...
Big brother Mycroft sends you a series of cases linked to homeland security. Make the Empire proud!
An abandoned boat. A system of surveillance camera that works. A woman, Lea Nichols, only survivor of a team of researchers. Monitor, manage, search… Behind your camera, guide Lea...
Откройте для себя прекрасные инопланетные миры, усеянные древними технологиями и таинственными руинами, которые напоминают о давно минувших временах.
Neyyah is a first-person point-and-click adventure game from solo developer, Aaron Gwynaire. You are thrown into a strange secretive world called Neyyah. Use careful observation an...
Face unspeakable horrors. Succumb to madness. Welcome to a truly daemonic narrative experience inspired by H. P. Lovecraft.
A first-person immersive sim/action role-playing game set in the dark underbelly of the Dutch seaside resort of Noordwijk aan Zee. There is a high degree of interactivity, giving p...