Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shadow Heroes is a stealth platformer game loosely based on an episode of the 2012 CGI animated series that parodied Big Trouble in Little China, call...
From struggling through the Swamp of Despond to doing battle with Apollyon in the Valley of Humiliation, come experience one of the greatest adventures in Christian literature from...
Donkey Kong has kidnapped Pauline, and it is up to Mario, the fearless carpenter, to come to her rescue. Throwing fate to the wind, Mario tries desperately to climb the labyrinth o...
The rich world of Overlord is yours to explore in this robust, story-driven Metroidvania. Play as fan-favorite Clementine and delve into an entirely new chapter in the Overlord ser...
A mod of New Super Mario Bros. Versus that added a variety of new character options and stages.
Donkey Kong Junior is the direct sequel to Donkey Kong. In this game, Mario plays the antagonist, finally having captured Donkey Kong, and has put the ape in a locked cage. As Donk...
A gigantic space explosion sends two strange meteors crashing to Earth. The call goes out and Mega Man speeds to the site. There he sees his arch-rival, Dr. Wiley, fleeing the scen...
Vessel is a game about a man with the power to bring ordinary matter to life, and all the consequences that ensue.
Klonoa 2 puts players in the role of Klonoa, who, along with a new cast of friends, has stumbled into another adventure, this time to save the world of Lunatea and help unveil the...
Prehistorik 2 takes up the story of its predecessor, for another caveman-era platform game. The hero must use his club to crush animal enemies, many of which then release bonus ite...
Разгневанная видеоигра Nerd Adventures 2: Ассимиляция является продолжением разгневанной видеоигры Nerd Adventures.
Высокоскоростное 2D-действие с боковой прокруткой в стиле старой школы, которое вы помните по Azure Striker Gunvolt, возвращается! В этой игре соперник Gunvolt Копен из первой част...
Magician Lord is a side-scrolling platform game that was a launch title for both the Neo-Geo MVS (arcade) and AES (home) systems, and was one of the pack-in games for the Neo-Geo A...
Prince of Persia: The Fallen King is a third-person action-adventure video game developed by Ubisoft Casablanca. The game was released for the Nintendo DS in December 2008, as a sp...
All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros. was a promotional item given out as a contest prize by the Japanese radio show All Night Nippon to celebrate its twentieth year on the air. It is...
Metroid: Super Zero Mission is a ROM hack of Super Metroid for the SNES. It is a complete hack that artfully combines the essences of both Super Metroid and Metroid Zero Mission....
Un Juego de Huevos is a 2D platformer based on the movie Una Película de Huevos, created exclusively for the Zeebo system by the Swedish studio Fabrication Games. It follows an alt...
Meat Boy is a platform game made in flash, being the precursor of the Super Meat Boy franchise. The game relies on very precise platforming, and it is known for being very challeng...
Войдите в странную и неизведанную страну, полную очаровательных роботов, скрытых секретов и злых машин, зараженных вирусами. Открывайте для себя различное оружие, предметы и способ...
Hive Jump - это наполовину спелеология, наполовину XCOM, и все это наполовину надирание задницы инопланетянам. Вы и ваши друзья берете на себя роль ПРЫГУНОВ и прокладываете себе пу...
Visit a wonderfully peculiar dog's dream in a heroic attempt to save your owner in this beautiful pixel art puzzle platformer.
After getting sucked into a magical book, Aya and Momiji must find their way back home. Swap between the two girls in battle, so you can utilize their abilities to gain the advanta...
Projection: First Light follows Greta on a puzzle-platforming adventure through a mythological shadow puppet world, as she embarks on a journey across cultures meeting legendary he...
During the game, Shin chan will have to rescue all of Kasukabe from Tabu, who is eating everyone's sleep and Shin Chan will have to avoid him to wake up from the dream he is having...
One Hand Clapping is a musical 2D puzzle platformer that requires players to sing into their microphone to solve puzzles.
Asterix & Obelix XXL 3: The Crystal Menhir is an action platformer and the only game in the XXL series which offers cooperative gameplay. Platforming is very different to the previ...
Trine 5: A Clockwork Conspiracy отправит волшебника Амадея, воровку Зою и рыцаря Понтия в самое захватывающее путешествие! Перемещайтесь по захватывающим дух 2.5D-ландшафтам в с...
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