Trespasser is a PC game released in 1998. Set one year after the events of the 1997 film The Lost World: Jurassic Park and published alongside the film's home video release. The p...
Alone in the Dark is a reboot of the original game and the fifth installment of the series. It features a new storyline and characters while still maintaining the core elements of...
Enemy Zero was the second game to star the digital character Laura Lewis—the first being D. In E0, gameplay sequences alternate between interactive FMV and real time exploration,...
Do ghosts exist? What about Bigfoot, Chupacabras,Rake or Skinwalkers? And how will we ever know? You play as Gordon Davis, a scientist,a traveller and an explorer of unknown creatu...
An Action-Horror Roguelike unlike any other where you must strategically dismember horrific monsters to survive. Discover powerful weapons and magic as you explore beautifully deta...
An old school First person shooter from the creator of DUSK, Fingerbones, and The Moon Sliver. Winston thought he could use hell energy to create magical ponies. Winston was wrong.
Maid of Sker - это хоррор на выживание от первого лица, действие которого разворачивается в отдаленном отеле с жуткой историей из валлийского фольклора. Бросьте вызов кошмарам Тихи...
Sir, You Are Being Hunted is a procedurally-generated British horror in which tweed-wearing robots hunt you for sport. Roam the landscape, scavenge for food, hide breathlessly in t...
Silent Hill: The Escape is a Silent Hill spin-off game, featuring first-person shooter-style gameplay. Its characteristic feature is a gameplay mechanic called gesture technology,...
Forged in the Beginning and protected by the Seven Seals, there lies a place where thought and creation intertwine. The center for all realms of existence, it is the balancing forc...
Убейте гулей, чтобы спасти девочек! Постройте свое любовное гнездышко и ухаживайте за четырьмя героинями, борясь за выживание в разрушенном адском мире зомби! Единственный в своем...
Fobia: St. Dinfna Hotel is a first-person psychological horror indie game focused on environment exploration, survival and puzzles solving, developed by the Brazilian studio Pulsat...
Inspired by cult classic slasher films, Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer (4vs1) horror and action game in which one ruthless Killer hunts down four Survivors trying to evade a gru...
Crimson Butterfly is the second installment in the Fatal Frame series, although not a direct sequel to the first title, Fatal Frame. The story follows twin sisters Mio and Mayu as...
Holly Gardner, a 19 year old on an interstate drive experiences unusual happenings that leads to an unplanned stay at a motel, little did she know what was transpiring down in Norw...
Do you feel like you have the soul of an exorcist? Do you have the desire to send evil entities back to the afterlife? Would you prefer this thrill as a solo exorcist, or in a team...
The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct — это игра на выживание от первого лица, которая воплощает в жизнь настоящие, захватывающие дух ужасы популярного сериала AMC «Ходячие мертвецы»...
Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles - это онлайн-стрелялка и второе название, эксклюзивное для платформы Wii в серии Resident Evil. Игрок не управляет движением персонажа, а тол...
Welcome to the new Fazbear Horror Attraction! Here, you will have to escape from the popular and safe animatronics of the old but improved Fazbear Entertainment! Complete the puzzl...
Propnight is a 4vs1 multiplayer physics-based prop hunt mixed with classic horror survival. Survivors needs to repair prop machines in order to survive and can change into props to...
Welcome to Trauma, the second add-on content pack for Alien: Isolation. This pack features three all-new maps for Survivor Mode, a time-based challenge to test your skills. Face...
Osiris: New Dawn is an unforgiving near future space survival game with a cinematic feel and elements of horror. Play as a Mission Specialist in single or multiplayer to build your...
Experience the horrors of being the one supposed to be in control amidst seemingly unsalvagable chaos. You are a leader of Foxtrot Unit 1 Nine-Tailed Fox, a highly trained force t...
Welcome to Corporate Lockdown, the first expansion pack for Alien: Isolation. This pack features three all-new maps:for Survivor Mode, a time-based challenge to test your skills....
Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water - видеоигра в жанре хоррор на выживание, разработанная Koei Tecmo и изданная Nintendo для Wii U. Пятая основная запись в серии Fatal Frame, она б...
Stranger is a VR and first person lore-driven horror game where you defend your house against an unknown enemy. Make use of the provided locks and lock the windows when you hear th...
Trumpet is a dark visual novel that deals with themes such a death.
Echo Night: Beyond, known in Japan as Nebula: Echo Night is a survival horror adventure video game. The game tells a science fiction ghost story, set in the not-too-distant future....