Set in Gunjo Gakuin, a school specialized for those deemed by the government to be unfit for society, Cross Channel follows the story of eight members of the school's Broadcasting...
Ken ga Kimi is Japanese legend ADV and is highly recommended since released at Japan. Ken ga Kimi: Momoyo Tsuzuri is the FD of the original game and it has 100 stories included.
A sequel to Shirahana no Ori - Hiiro no Kakera 4 with four seasonal stories: Song of Spring, Summer Festival, Autumn Harvest and Winter Snowflakes.
VTuber Connect is a love letter to VTubers as a medium. One that hides nothing, but embraces everything. Whether you’re a VTuber or a viewer, we all form connections in our own way...
Moonlight Lovers is a dating sim developed by Beemoov, where the plot focuses on a girl who inherited a manor from her parents upon her 18th birthday. She begins moving into the ma...
Говорят, трудно найти место, которое можно было бы назвать своим, но что, если бы такое место не было однозначно вашим? Что, если бы вы оба не были готовы отказаться от этого? Боль...
This is the consumer port of the title that was released as a PC game in September 2020. For the consumer version, new episodes drawn by the original team of Riko Hakoeda and Tom F...
The fandisc to Hiiro no Kakera Shin Tamayorihime Densetsu. Features 3 scenarios for each guardian with additional routes for the Suwa brothers and takes place after the ending of t...
Kiss is a love letter to the exciting world of Kpop! In this Life Simulator, you're the mighty manager who scouts for talent, manages their schedule, makes their budget, plans thei...
Diamond Girl is such a game! This is a love story game in which relationships form between the love-allergic heroine who wears track suits around and the handsome men. This is an o...
Kyoukai no Shirayuki is a Japanese otome visual novel. It is described as a romance visual novel about the madness of the world.
An fantasy otome game released in Japan in 2011.
A Vita otome game.
Eldarya is a visual novel created by ChiNoMiko and developed by Beemoov, taking place in a fantasy world where the player character (often referred to as Erika) has the ability to...
In a scenic valley, there's a celebrity boarding school called Hakuou Gakuen. At a glance the school is full of smart and beautiful guys. Behind it, a secret club nobody knows of...
Code Geass: Lost Colors allows you to join the war for Japan, as seen in the anime. Will you join the Black Knights in revolution, or will you join the Britannian Army and fight ag...
In A Role to Play, an armored fellow of varying potential names must escort a princess through a besieged kingdom to safety, accompanied by several colorful, non-human companions....
Kamigami no Asobi InFinite, abbreviated as KamiAso IF, is a Japanese otome game published by Broccoli (company). It was released in Japan on April 21, 2016 for the PlayStation Port...
Da Capo: Girl's Symphony is otome game spin-off of Da Capo series.