As captain of a pirate ship you and your motley crew have found yourselves shipwrecked and washed up on a deserted island after a horrendous storm at sea. Your sole purpose is to s...
ValiDate is a visual novel about thirteen struggling singles navigating through soul-sucking 9-to-5s, quarter-life crises, and the harsh truths millennials learn as soon as they hi...
Fish, farm, explore, make money, and build alone or with friends while competing against other players in an open-world survival sandbox.
Underground Life is an open world game where the main objective is to survive in a post-apocalyptic world gather resources, create weapons and armour and interact with all kinds of...
A retro open world RPG, farming sim, and dungeon crawler. Knightblade is best described as an open world fantasy game mixed with farming and life sim elements, as if it were made i...
Zotrix is a modern take on the classic arcade shooter. The game introduces resource trading economy and system of upgrades between number of space stations bringing the classic exp...
Бог дал вам способность превращать все, к чему вы прикасаетесь, в золото. Воспользуйтесь возможностью построить империю невообразимых богатств! Прикоснитесь к камням, и они прев...
Flesh Eaters is retro style single player RTS zombie survival game with resource gathering and crafting. Zombies are everywhere! You must gather resources to build barricades, upgr...
Explore a beautiful open world, full of horses and other animals. Or just enjoy the beautiful view while riding. In the world of Horse Riding Deluxe you and your horses have no lim...
Priest is a combination of Christian mythology with dark fantasy. We based it upon real testimonies concerning exorcism as well as general works of pop culture, i.e. novels, films...
You've died and gone to Heaven, and there's nothing there to greet you but a sassy blue bird, a fishing pole and... a giant galaxy fish? Meet new friends, catch exotic fish and bui...
SC2VN - это визуальный роман о южнокорейской сцене StarCraft 2. Вы играете за Маха, иностранного полупрофессионала, пытающегося добиться успеха в киберспорте, который вскоре узнает...
You can play as a newcomer to the town starting a new life and date the 12 uncles
Take command of a pair of villagers and help them build a mighty civilization that will spread across the world and conquer it. Idle Civilization is a civilization builder manageme...
The original 2D wrestling sim, where you create your own star and embark on a career full of possibilities!
Hoping to escape your destiny as a monster trainer you left the home of your famous parents to find your own way in the world. Within two years of leaving home your parents had be...
When there is no one in the house, a ghost wakes up. He is looking for all the candles in the house to leave the owners without light. After all, when he scares them, they light ca...
Find out the dirty little secrets of the fiendish neighborhood of the suburb. Join the Adventure! Complete the tasks to get closer to the solution. Be careful and avoid the traps t...
In this simulator you will learn how to turn your time into money. Investment basics meet time management. Your goal is to make your dream come true. You can make a career, buy rea...
Magic Farm 3: The Ice Danger is a farming simulator game, with a simple-RPG system and quests. This is a continuation of the Magic Farm series for PC and Mac. You'll play as an Iri...
In the 19th century in the Wild West, you are a poor farmer wanting something more from life: you want an adventure. Sit on a horse and become a Cowboy, unfortunately it won't be t...
Масштабная многопользовательская ролевая игра в гигантском городе. Играйте на поле в роли полицейского. Поднимитесь через правительство, чтобы стать самым порочным президентом. Соз...
Silent Sector is a crazy sci-fi action rpg from a new distant Wild West dominated by powerful corporations locked in a fight for a rare mineral called Eldorite.
Act as an alien driving a UFO and collect materials to upgrade the spacecraft. Kidnap bikini girls, extract purple energy, and study the function of purple energy. Avoid human atta...