In 2006, three forest rangers and a mysterious ABIN agent are sent to a mansion in a small town. Upon arrival, strange events begin to unfold. Manage your inventory, investigate th...
Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse is the conclusion of the Telltale's episodic Sam & Max trilogy, remastered by members of the original dev team and brought back to life for modern...
A comedy-horror parody game inspired by various sitcoms and movies
Unshroud secrets hidden deep within the dark chambers of the god of shadow, Veritus’ castle. Persevere through monsters and mysteries lurking in every corner. Prepare to leave camp...
From the renowned development studio WayForward Technologies, Inc. (Shantae, River City Girls, Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp) comes Yars Rising, a 2D action adventure exploration...
Catherine: Full Body is an enhanced remaster of the adult-oriented puzzle-platformer Catherine. Full Body features a new love interest, online multiplayer, new puzzle mechanics, ha...
Step into the shoes of Detective Rocky Rhodes and solve the mystery of the mysterious relic with the help of your partner Barbara and mentor Sullivan. The truth can be evasive - bu...
1-Bit Explorer is an adventure game focused on exploration where you do NOT save the world and the world does NOT need saving. The point is to explore to your heart's content and...
Explore a dark world inhabited by men and monsters in this action packed platformer. Lay waste to the monsters that stand in your way with a wide array of stylish combat maneuvers,...
Like its predecessor, De-Ja II is a Japanese-style adventure. The interface has been enhanced compared to the first game. Most of the commands are still done via the extensive verb...
Angel Hearts is a dead simple RPG developed by ELF in 1989. The gameplay resembles that of dungeon crawlers, meaning that there are no friendly areas; though the view for explorati...
Lara Croft: The Sun Obelisk is a text based game run by ADRIFT (Adventure Development & Runner - Interactive Fiction Toolkit) tool. The story is about Lara Croft that try to sea...
Scholar's Mate is an immersive first-person horror experience that puts you in the shoes of Judith, a young woman who wakes up in the gloomy facilities of a psychiatric hospital.
Survival Horror in first person where you must manage your ammunition well, explore varied scenarios and face nightmarish beings, while investigating the macabre experiments with c...
Asuha, a self-proclaimed gambling prodigy, challenges the Witch ruling the gambling district. Poised to win, she is defeated by a mysterious power. An adventure of gambling, exposi...
Solve a mysterious criminal case in this dark pixel-style fantasy point and click adventure game inspired by literature, art, games and movies in the genre of victorian horror fict...
Q.U.B.E: Director's Cut is the definitive version of the brain-twisting first-person puzzler. Using special high-tech gloves to manipulate cubes in the environment, the player solv...
A scientist, seeking to return to the expedition he had to abandon, hires a sled dog musher to bring him on the last leg of his journey. That Which Gave Chase is a narrative-driven...
A remastered version of Judgment, featuring faster loading times, 60 FPS, as well as all of the downloadable content from the original release.
Embark on a new adventure in the unique world of Little Nightmares. In Little Nightmares III, you follow the journey of Low & Alone, as they search for a path that could lead them...
Expand GreedFall’s RPG adventure with The de Vespe Conspiracy expansion, and discover a brand-new storyline on the island of Teer Fradee. Navigate a web of intrigue, manipulation a...