A typical evening at a local bar erupts into chaos as members of a Special Forces strike team descend through the roof to kidnap a young girl, Dominique. Three bouncers--Sion, Volt...
Gladiator Begins is developed by GOSHOW for the PSP and is a prequel to Colosseum: Road to Freedom. Create a gladiator and fight for your life in the Roman Colosseum.
История гладиатора - это битва на арене, где вы играете роль человека в поисках своей судьбы, только чтобы найти ее в песках Колизея.
Pokémon Rumble is an action video game in the Pokémon series for WiiWare. In North America, the game costs 1500 Nintendo Points.
Heart&Slash - это 3D-драчун, действие которого разворачивается в мире, где машины - это все, что осталось от человеческой цивилизации. Вы играете за Сердце, невинного робота, борющ...
Meet Sir Whoopass, the hero who due to a series of hilarious and poor life choices manages to bring chaos and disarray to an utopian world. He must find The Villain-Beating Artifac...
Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari (River City Ransom in North America, Street Gangs in Europe) was ported to the Sharp X68000, a Japanese computer platform, and released in April 1990....
Unlike Technos' subsequent game Double Dragon, the playing field is limited to one two-screen-wide area (a subway platform, a harbor, an alley, a parking lot and the hideout of a g...
Going Under - это сатирический поисковик подземелий об исследовании проклятых руин несостоявшихся технологических стартапов. Будучи неоплачиваемым стажером в мрачном городе Неокаск...
In a far distant future, a gigantic asteroid went out of orbit and collided with Earth. This terrible catastrophe left only ruins in its wake, forever changing Earths landscape and...
Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance HD - это полноэкранный ремастер Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, предназначенный для PlayStation 4. Она была выпущена как часть пакета из...
Usurper: Soulbound is a tough Rogue-lite Action RPG where players are trapped without a physical body in a horrifying dimension and must possess the bodies of their enemies and oth...
Привет, я Мисако из средней школы Неккетсу. Я менеджер нашей местной футбольной команды. Наконец, мы можем доказать, что ФК Неккетсу - величайшая команда в мире. Если мы будем усер...
Животные - герои в этом уморительно причудливом зомби-шутере. Слоны с миниганами и ленивцы с огнеметами - это лишь некоторые из сумасшедших комбинаций, доступных для борьбы с нежит...
Олдскульный 3D-экшен Beat-Em-Up! Используйте свой ум, реакцию и окружающую среду, чтобы сразиться с безжалостными бандами Головокружительного города!
Drunken Fist - забавный файтинг, основанный на пьяной физике. Уличные драки, нокауты грудастых и секретные трюки. Беззаконие, живая камера и еще больше веселья!
Castlevania Judgement is a first in many: it's the first Castlevania beat'em up. It's also the first time old friends of the Belmont clan meet together in a full 3D environment. G...
Anarchy Reigns - многопользовательская онлайн-драка от создателей Bayonetta и Vanquish, PlatinumGames. Действие происходит в постапокалиптическом будущем, это суперсовременный фай...
Kung Fu Chaos is an entertaining brawler game inspired by the 70s Kung Fu movie era. You fight as one of nine characters--three of which are unlockable--with looks, moves, and taun...
Giants Uprising is a medieval fantasy action adventure game full of Giants and unlimited destruction! Take on the role of a powerful Giant who finally breaks free from enslavement...
The world of Invizimals The Resistance features a pulse-pounding storyline that immerses players in an epic adventure. There are 150 creatures waiting to be captured, including 90...
Mindcell is the third-person adventure in the world of the near future. The protagonist is sentenced to become material for scientific experiments, but he’s not going to put up wit...
A beat 'em up video game published by Sega and initially released in arcades on Sega Model 2 hardware. It is the sequel to the 1996 game, Dynamite Deka which was released outside J...
Lead a kung fu monk and his three martial arts warriors on an action packed quest to search and protect the Shen Gong Wu. Omi, a Kung Fu monk leads three young dragons-in-training...
Break, build and battle with the Gunpla you’ve always wanted in NEW GUNDAM BREAKER! Blast through enemy Gunplas and collect their fallen weapons and armor to customize your Gunpla...
Naruto: Uzumaki Chronicles 2 is an action RPG where players travel across a map, completing missions to gain experience points for unlocking new abilities and boosting their charac...
The player begins the game by choosing from one of four different forest rangers, each with a different amount of health, attack strength, and jumping height. The game's controls c...
Ninja is a fast-paced, arcade style action-adventure. The game features highly detailed environments, a wide range of special effects and huge end-of-level bosses. Assuming the ro...