Bouncer Story, a retro-inspired film-noir featuring a protagonist working as a bouncer to pay off a gambling debt to the underground mafia controlling the city. As a bouncer you ar...
The game takes place on Junk Planet, a planet that was bombarded with so much junk, it was completely ruined. It's here that a peculiar pair meet by chance and their story begins....
Live the life of a new mom in this story-driven cooking game.
Venture into a perilous and once impassable mountain range in Wayfarers Edge! An RPG focused on traversing unknown frontier lands in a fantasy/western setting to take hold of your...
Happy Sandwich Cafe is a business simulator developed by Nicobit where you can pick and choose ingredients and make your very own original sandwiches! As you level up, you can make...
The Card Battle: Eternal Destiny is an epic card game inspired by myths and legends, featuring 600+ cards with delightful animation! Build your own deck with various cards, and bea...
The Tamagotchi Meets: Pastel version was released in Japan in March 2019. It features two new locations with five new marriage partners Easter Land (Eggbasketchi, Piyotamausatchi,...
A 2D physics platformer with an unusual control scheme, Psycho Crab is a game where you will fall down. A lot. Possibly into lava. While maybe being chased by seagulls. Play as a c...
A virtual pet simulation game.
Unleash the pilot within with Dovetail Games Flight School.
14-й проект палитры Идзуми Цубасу икс. 9-девять- Эпизод 1 - это первый том в серии сверхъестественных мистических игр, в эпизоде 1 рассказывается история, сосредоточенная вокруг М...
Transcend the boundaries of space and time to construct a colossal new wonder of the world in this pyramid-building adventure!
Try to take control of this military climbing prototype with the help of a magnet in a multitude of locations! Reach the top of the leaderboards!
The Ura Jinsei Enjoi Tamagotchi Plus, also known as the Uratama is a Tamagotchi release that was released in Japan on July 22, 2006. It is a themed rerelease of the Chou Jinsei Enj...
The Jujutsutchi is a licensed Tamagotchi Nano model based on the anime and manga franchise Jujutsu Kaisen.
The Torevetchi is a licensed Tamagotchi Nano, released in March 2023, based on the anime and manga series Tokyo Revengers by Ken Wakui.
Collect plasma pods and avoid getting hit
This Cold War game puts the player in control of average American everyman Mike, charged by sudden circumstance with building a fallout shelter in his basement by slowly climbing t...
The Jumping Nuggets: Turbo is a clicker game. See how many times you can jump the nugget!
Star Trek Trexels is a video game for iOS and Android devices in which you are an admiral in control of a starship exploring a newly-discovered region of space, named the Trexelian...
The Extellatchi is a licensed Tamagotchi Nano model based on the Fate/EXTELLA games from the Fate/EXTRA series, a subseries of the TYPE-MOON series Fate.
A very short Bitsy game about having the flu in the middle of the night.
Pupper's Garden is a little game about a little pupper with puppersized dreams. Spending her days watching through the window as people dig holes in their gardens and hide things w...
Join Big I on his exciting journey through the kitchen and make him jump! Enjoy the colorful comic graphics accompanied by atmospheric music.
The PUI PUI Molcartchi is a licensed Tamagotchi Nano model based off Pui Pui Molcar, a stop motion series about guinea pigs who are also cars.