Wander through intricate maze under the bed, and discover the secrets hidden in the long, dark tunnels. Document the existence of monsters. Retrieve the stolen treasures and memori...
A live-action mystery FMV game, where you make decisions for a father that must rescue his teenage daughter from an eclectic cult before their final night at the Isle Tide Hotel. S...
The third game in Sierra's Police Quest series. Based again in Lytton, Sonny Bonds has been promoted, and is forced to deal with both the questionable ethics of a colleague and the...
Ankh is a point-and-click 3D adventure game by Deck13 Interactive. It features a fully three-dimensional environment with cineastic camera movement. All content is fully spoken and...
Enid Blyton The Famous 5: Treasure Island is the first episode in Ravensburger's The Famous 5 series after the books of Enid Blyton for ages seven and up. Julian, Dick, Anne, Georg...
Bad Milk is a puzzle video game developed by New York developers Dreaming Media. The game begins with a first person full motion video, in which the player drinks spoiled milk and...
A point and click adventure game based on the Swedish Christmas Calendar TV-series of the same name.
A game about loneliness, hope, and something scary in your house... Like in most adventure/point-and-click games, you will have a Talk To command, but Mr Chocolate is all alone...
AMBER is short for Astral Mobility by Electromagnetic Resonance device invented by a promising scientist in the field of paranormal activities, Dr. Roxanna. In order to conduct the...
A Danish edutainment point-and-click adventure game set in a castle. The player directs Skipper and Skeeto, a mole and mosquito, as they try to find a treasure hidden in the castle...
Help boy Sam to save Princess Aurora and stop the villain, who intended to seize power in the Kingdom of Aurelia.
Morph Girl is an FMV Point And Click/Visual Novel developed as a homage to 90/00's low-fi Japanese horror movies. Inspired by home VHS tapes, Morph Girl intends to evoke the most p...
A surreal first person point and click puzzle adventure game published by Psygnosis. The player is a young prince who must prove himself worthy of a throne left for him by the bel...
You are a private detective. After receiving a letter from your father, asking for help, you go to the small town of Redcliff. The city is completely empty. Where have all the inha...
Play as a fairytale hero and help him garden, since saving the princess didn't go that well. A fantasy gardening visual novel and clicker game.
One Night in the Woods is a prequel to the story known from Apocalipsis: Harry at the End of the World. During his adventures Harry is being hunted by unsettling dreams about his b...
It is the 22nd century. Human beings have long reached outer space and traveled to other planets. But they could not find happiness, and soon their only source of feelings became t...
This game follows a female character named Saige (renameable) who is given a device that lets her travel through a portal, taking her 100 years into the past. Chrono Days allows t...
Taking place years before the events of Tails Noir, Tails Noir Preludes is a narrative game following four characters through formative moments of change, circumstance, and consequ...
A remaster of the original Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, released exclusively as part of the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy bundle.
What does it take to be in a parade? Hard work, a bright shiny chassis and a little help from your friends.
Jack T. Ladd is a man in debt. And the tax man hates to wait. On a world that spans 3 planets, 1 Cloud City and at least 4 bars. It's up to you to pay back the tax man, clear your...
Местный конкурс превращается в сцену поджога, и теперь обман тлеет среди обугленных руин ратуши Ривер-Хайтс. У полиции есть несколько подозреваемых, но тщательно подобранные компро...
The Big Red Adventure is a PC adventure game in which you once again are Doug Nuts, an international thief. This time you're off to steal the royal crown of the Russian Czars. In o...
Lisa is going to babysit twins and is looking forward for an evening of watching TV while the kids are asleep. But she is about to find out that this particular babysitting job is...
Help out James Voodoo as he investigates mysterious attacks through the forsaken hamlet of Ravenhill, the wealthy city of Richtown, and a variety of breathtaking sceneries inspired...
After discovering her talent, Tinker Bell invents, builds and repairs new contraptions to make life easier for her fairy friends. Your child can join Fairy Mary, Bobble and Clank,...
In the world built on the shoulders of sleeping giants, join your sister Adrianne to prevent a terrifying annihilation that may irreversibly change the world. Explore the history o...