The game is the second entry in the Gyakuten Touhou series. The game follows Aya Shameimaru as a defense attorney who investigates four cases. The gameplay is mostly the same as in...
SpongeBob SquarePants once again wins the Employee of the Month award, which makes him Employee of the Year Mr. Krabs Gives him two tickets to Neptune's Paradise.
Just so there’s no temporal confusion, “It’s Time” is a classic point and click adventure game, that focuses on Time Travel. As the lead operative in a shadowy government organizat...
Target of Desire is about 2 characters: Maia and Maria. The video game follows the story of Maia. The story of Maria can also be found in her blog. Maria has a blog under the use...
VA-11 Hall-A Kids is a freeware game released on the April Fools of 2018. The game is a light-hearted parody of VA-11 Hall-A, set in a high school with the female cast changed int...
К югу от круга - это эмоциональный повествовательный опыт, исследующий отношения между Питером и Кларой, кембриджскими учеными, оказавшимися втянутыми в политический конфликт време...
Исследуйте начало серии Samorost в оригинальном приключении космического гнома, выпущенном ранее в 2003 году. Теперь с ремастированными звуками, улучшенной графикой и новой музыкой...
So who is haunting the schoolhouse, taking the toys and practically scaring the scales off all the guppies?
Ричард и Алиса – захватывающая детективная история о семье, отчаянии и погоде - и все это в ритме инди-приключенческой игры.
60 Parsecs! is an Atomic Space Age adventure of scavenge and survival. Keep your crew alive and ready for action. Make difficult choices, face soup shortages and other horrors of o...
Это будет золотой век пиратов! Морские псы! В буквальном смысле. Наша удалая звезда сосисочной собаки - Гай Джеймс Ровер, сын знаменитого клоуна Джолли Ровера, который умер от удар...
Рианнон: Проклятие четырех ветвей - это хоррор-игра от первого лица, в которой вы должны решать головоломки, чтобы дойти до конца и найти все ответы.
The classic children's fairy tale in cartoon format with puzzles to solve, and all the drama, realism and music of a feature film. Hansel and Gretel are abandoned in a forest where...
Educational game for teaching kids about wild animals.
5 Days a Stranger is the first game in horror-adventure series by Ben Yahtzee Croshaw. Player controls Trilby, a master cat burglar, who gets trapped inside seemingly abandoned man...
Inspired by RuneScape, Melvor Idle takes the core of what makes an adventure game so addictive and strips it down to its purest form! Melvor Idle is a feature-rich, idle/incrementa...
Star Trek: The Next Generation – A Final Unity is an adventure game by Spectrum HoloByte, based on the Star Trek universe. It puts the player in control of Captain Picard and his c...
In Entomorph, the player controls the character Warrick. It is the second video game based in the fictional universe, World of Aden, with the first being World of Aden: Thunderscap...
Companions of Xanth is an adventure game published in 1993 by Legend Entertainment. The game is based on Piers Anthony's Xanth novels and loosely follows the plot of his novel Demo...
Indygo - это повествовательная игра с элементами point'n'click, действие которой разворачивается только в одной комнате - мастерской рисования. В ней рассказывается история художни...
Заключительная глава Мифов Чзо Бена Яхтси Крошоу завершает рассказ о Трилби, Джоне Дефо и Высоком человеке.
With a little help from the Historia Time Travel agency, set sail to the city of Atlantis for a VR Myst-ical adventure : Fill in the sandals of an Atlantean who recently broke out...
The Frogs is a point-and-click adventure game based on the ancient Greek comedy by Aristophanes. Play as Dionysus as you survive awful puns and break all the fourth walls in a jour...
A.S.T.R.A. - a game made in 2D hand-drawn graphics, which is a collection of various mini-games in different genres. Do you like exciting arcade games, set a new record, and pain i...
A year after the fire at Fazbear's Fright, a rich and creative inventor in England, only known as Fritz, has taken the role of continuing the animatronic pizzeria brand with his ow...
Birth is a pleasantly creepy point-and-click puzzle game about living alone in a large city and constructing a creature to keep you company out of spare bones and organs you find l...
Dark Seed II continues the nightmare of Mike Dawson where the designs of H.R. Giger are pivotal in this horror point 'n click adventure. Players will be swapping between the Norma...
Join Rif the Fox and his companions Okk and Eeah on the adventure of your life! Inherit the Earth will transport you to a world of beauty and intrigue... Earth! The Orb of Storms h...