The 4th additional character pack is already available! Introducing Seija Kijin.
Вы любите хот-доги? Как насчет подков? Ручные гранаты? (все любят ручные гранаты) В любом случае, у нас есть все это и оружие. Так что, если вам нравится готовить, играть на лужайк...
While chasing a stolen magic crystal, you are stumbling upon an ancient underworld civilization and scripts of even older origin. Explore this realm, fight its armies, and reveal i...
Touhou Arcadia Record is a game application for smartphones released by Damo Games on July 28, 2022. It is an authorized derivative work of Touhou Project.
Special Song Arrangement Pack Vol. 5 is here, and it's filled with hits! Popular songs by Amane-san and beatMario like Shiawase Usagi and rhythm game favorite, Hakanakimono Ningen,...
A doujin game by INSIDE SYSTEM based on the Touhou Project series.
Продолжайте приключения Беатрикс Лебо, когда она путешествует по морю слизи на остров Радуги, землю, наполненную древними тайнами и кишащую новыми извилистыми слизняками, с которым...
Человеческие силы, которые будут призваны к очищению человечества и искоренению вампиров и отклоняющихся родословных - тех, кто родился от смеси человека и вампира. И так начались...
A doujin game by ENAMEL SWORD based on the Touhou Project series.
Touhou Mutsuigeki: Concealed the Conclusion is a Touhou Project fangame by danmaq, originally a script set for Touhou Danmakufu and later rewritten using Microsoft XNA. It is the s...
Nightmare at the lighthouse,the game starts with our hero working,then someone came, and this is where everything started.He have a mission, and until he complete his mission, he g...
A Touhou Doujin game based on Rockman (Megaman), developed by Capricorn.
Explore a new world of twists and turns where you will be at the edge of your seat. Secrets of the Lost Tomb is an Egyptian-themed role-playing game with puzzles, first and third-p...
Shuushuu Nitori Shoot Shoot Nitori is a Touhou Project danmaku fangame by Twilight Frontier that is based on the game TUMIKI Fighters. This is Twilight Frontier's first danmaku gam...
Neon Shadow - это быстро развивающийся кибер-панк FPS, вдохновленный классическими шутерами.
Flandre Scarlet joins the battle as an additional player character!
This DLC is an optional playable character pack for Touhou Blooming Chaos, including Remilia Scarlet, Komeji Satori, Aki Sizuha, Tsukumo Benben and Yorigami Shion. Once purchased,...
A doujin game by LION HEART based on the Touhou Project series.
Introducing “Kogasa Tatara” the cheery forgotten umbrella! She is an additional character with the ability to cover up the opponent’s area with her Karakasa Bubble.
Ojou-sama no DokiDoki Daisakusen is a fan-made Touhou Project platform action game, developed by BlueMica. It features Remilia Scarlet as the protagonist and Flandre Scarlet as the...
Вселенная в опасности! Двое детей выбраны для того, чтобы завладеть могущественным артефактом Небесная ракетка и остановить злого тирана. Играйте за мальчика-ракетку или девочку-ра...
The new character pack is here at last! Our first installment contains the Highest of Native Gods, Suwako Moriya! She has the ability to turn Blank Bubbles into the more user-frien...
A malicious orb has cast Savant out of his tower and transformed his surroundings into dangerous enemies! Dodge and shoot your way back up the tower, and blast down waves of enemie...
Yoiyami Dreamer is a 2D fixed screen heartful action game, developed and published by tripper room, which was released in Japan in 2015.
Rabi-Ribi 3rd Anniversary! The final DLC for the dedicated Rabi-Ribi fans! Challenge new Special Bosses with new Erina and Ribbon's new costumes! Also a new playable character!
Можете ли вы вернуть землю своих предков? Злые силы захватили некогда плодородную землю Фортианы. Вы единственный, кто может штурмовать замки и отбить их у орд драконов. Испытай...
What are Ribbon's friends up to and what's the source of that mysterious aura under the island? Go high above Rabi-Ribi Ravine and deep into the Hall of Memories to find out!
Special Music Pack Vol. 4 is a collection of arranged music selected by the development team that is fun to play with Spell Bubble!