Culture House is a nurturing + adventure game based on biological cultivation experiments. Set in a building influenced by 20th-century modernist houses, the game portrays serene a...
Akasaka Mamoru, a detective is sent to Hinamizawa to rescue Inukai Toshiki, the grandson of a government official, who is taken hostage. While waiting for Makino, he meets a younge...
Saeva, a socially anxious teenager, finds himself trapped in a building along with 13 other young adults. They are all accused of being criminals and are told the only way to escap...
The story follows our protagonist Katsuya Saeki, and his life as an unsuccesful salary-man going nowhere...until one day, he is approached by a man in black, offering him glasses t...
Following the events of Part II, Itsuki and the gang's Rave business is close to getting off the ground. Itsuki looks to Meryl Hathaway, a young girl often seen accompanying Kotoko...
The third Boys Love Game by Nitro+CHiRAL of Togainu no Chi fame, sweet pool begins with the return of Youji Sakiyama to his Catholic high school after being confined in hospital fo...
Date Z - a captivating mix of high school drama, romance, and mystery. As a transfer student, your challenge is to navigate relationships and secure a date by Friday to survive a d...
A short, cozy, narrative-driven Halloween game about three friends reuniting to spend a stormy Halloween night together in a haunted house.
An upcoming remastered version of Never7: The End of Infinity for PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and PC.
As a police investigator, you take on the task of explaining this mysterious event. Who is this person and what was she doing there? Will the circumstances of this case be easy to...
It's a visual novel with elements of mystery and suspense, predominantly about the relationship between the Sheriff (Postman) and the Train Conductor (Gravekeeper). It's heavily ba...
The second game in the popular court room battle series from Japan introduces four new cases featuring new characters, plot twists and gameplay features. Players resume the role of...
Defend the innocent and save the day! Courtroom hero Phoenix Wright lays down the law this Winter in the digital release of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy. Experience the ori...
You are Yasuji, a boy who just graduated from high school, and after vacation, will finally enter University. You will study in Inkey University, an internal university, ie, stu...
Unfairly saddled with crippling debt after the events of Part I, Itsuki Ninomae and the gang turn to fellow student and daughter of a crime lord Kotoko Teshigawara for help. An int...
Действие происходит в 1956 году, Рейджи расследует серию странных преступлений, которые происходят вокруг женской академии, которая может быть причастна к убийству его жены. Кро...
City of Broken Dreamers is a mature, adults-only cyberpunk visual novel. In the game, you will find a choice-based, visually erotic and exciting adventure.
Court is back in session with Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy! Featuring three games - Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies, and Phoenix...