“Eye Can See You” is an otome horror game that follows a girl with psychic abilities that allows her to see spirits. As she enters a new school, she finds spirits residing in her s...
Venture into dungeons with a huge party of your favorite Touhou characters! This is a dungeon-crawler RPG with an absurdly large party size! The dungeon-crawler RPG Genso Wanderer...
The one who obtains the Holy Grail will have any wish come true. The Holy Grail War. A great ritual that materializes the greatest holy artifact, the Holy Grail. There are two con...
Ремейк первого титула Utawarerumono с переработанным оформлением и разделами сражений теперь в 3D. Впервые в истории истоки саги об Утаварерумоно выходят за границу! Утаварерумон...
The complicated threads in Fate/Stay Night unravel in Réalta Nua. The series tells some of the most bloody and brutal love stories ever. The three heroines, Saber, Rin, and Sakura,...
Серое небо, темные воды погружают вас в мир тайн, вопросов без ответов и (только возможно) сверхъестественного. Ищите, чтобы раскрыть правду — или, по крайней мере, вашу версию это...
A life-risking journey to the Underworld.
The game is the second entry in the Gyakuten Touhou series. The game follows Aya Shameimaru as a defense attorney who investigates four cases. The gameplay is mostly the same as in...
It's a turned base anime style jrpg, which takes place in a magic land where the fourth main elements Wind, earth, Fire and Water give special Feng-Shui powers to certain individua...
Shinsouban Heart no Kuni no Alice ~Wonderful Wonder World~ is the 2nd remake of Heart no Kuni no Alice. Remade with Fujimaru Mamenosuke's art (Diamond artist). This game also had a...
Drowning, Drowning is the story of a young girl who dives into the sea. make your way through the kelp forests and meet the friendly residents of an underwater city... but were you...
Bakumatsu Rock is a music-based rhythm-action battle game based on a story of male characters from the Tokugawa shogunate if they were world-conquering rock idols instead of just w...
The one who obtains the Holy Grail will have any wish come true. The Holy Grail War. A great ritual that materializes the greatest holy artifact, the Holy Grail. There are two con...
The Story You're an average, 25-year-old girl whose life consists of working at the local library, keeping up your family's shrine, and not much else. However, that all changes whe...
Now included in the Story Jar app. “Who’s Guilty Alice... Are you talking about me?” When I open my eyes, I find myself standing in a defendant’s seat. At the moment I am about to...
Alice is once again in Clover no Kuni and she goes through the looking glass to find herself once again in the Country of Diamonds, with no recollection of any of the events that h...
В мире, где летать по небу так же просто, как кататься на велосипеде, спорт Летающий цирк в моде. После открытия антигравитонов специальная обувь, позволяющая человеку летать, - ан...
A fantasy otome game based on the myths and legends of Hokkaido, Japan. Meet and fight with unique Gods, overcome fierce trials together, and discover what happens when you pursue...
First Kiss at a Spooky Soiree is a visual novel created for Yuri Jam 2016. You play as Marzipan, a light witch who's gone her whole life without kissing anyone — Until Tonight! The...
Continuation of Shinigami Kagyou: Kaidan Romance.