The story has the solar system under threat from Myon invaders. MAT (Mission: Alien Termination) is a teenager implanted with all the combined tactical skills of the planetary lead...
Dam Busters is an early flight simulation, set in World War II. It focuses on Dam Busters who historically were used to heavily bombard strategic objectives, in this case dams. Th...
Интенсивная стратегическая игра в виртуальной реальности Без боеприпасов, в которой вы строите оборонительные сооружения, вызываете артиллерию, отдаете приказы и даже непосредствен...
Playing as Rainbow Six team member Ding Chavez, players travel to Norway to eliminate a terrorist group planning to destabilize Eastern Europe with illegally smuggled US weapons. I...
World War 2 - Bunker Simulator is a bunker life simulator with shooter elements. Player has to perform subsequent missions, takes care of his needs and with all his arms defends th...
Sci-Fantasy Defence is a combination of RTS and FPS (VR optional). Use advanced technologies to extract resources, construct buildings and craft weapons. Use magic items from dark...
Неудачливые космонавты - это многопользовательская игра о космических убийствах в космосе! Космонавты усердно работают, чтобы быть спасенными со своего терпящего неудачу аванпоста,...
Oddworld: Гнев незнакомца HD - это ремастер Oddworld: Гнев незнакомца. Улучшения включают переработанный диалог, улучшенные текстуры персонажей и бонусный материал.
Last Man Standing is an adrenaline fueled non-stop shoot out where players must outwit, outgun and outplay opponents to ultimately be crowned the Last Man Standing in a massive dyn...
Outlaws of the Old West is a massively multiplayer survival MMO with a huge world, thousands of items and a modular building system. Survive the wild, build your own homestead, def...
The latest mission to Mars is in peril! The Orion III has crash landed and sustained critical damage. Commander Abigail Blackwell begins the emergency extraction protocol. As sh...
После периода относительного покоя… и скука... героические защитники, некогда известные как Стражи, были призваны обратно в бой! Используйте уникальные навыки Сэма, Кэт и Фрэнка, ч...
Alpha Storm is a spaceship simulator and a first person shooter. You can travel through star systems. Encounter enemy fleets and battle them with the ship's weapons/devices, or by...
A game developed by a team at Digital Extremes. It was described as a competitive FPS with deck-building elements. Unfortunately, the game didn't attract players fast enough to s...
Infiltrate German occupied territory with your squad of military misfits. Destroy, steal, and kidnap your way out.
A boxing game featuring 20 different opponents. It is known as Barry McGuigan World Championship Boxing in the UK.
Fight in massive battles between infantry, armored vehicles, tanks, cannons and planes. Realistically manage your weapons and equipment, coordinate with your squad, and tactically...
It's been a long watch... as the sun disappears over the horizon, the uninviting grey bleakness of Colian becomes apparent. Following the intense heat of the day, the onset of nigh...
Epsilon is a hybrid stealth-action near-future tactical shooter where pre-planning and commanding your squad is essential for survival. Through high intensity kinetic operations, E...
Take your shot! The #1 sniper series finally goes mobile, with plenty of firepower, classified combat, and deadly special forces action.
NPPL: Championship Paintball 2009 (NPPL 09) - видеоигра в пейнтбол от первого лица, выпущенная для Xbox 360, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3 и Nintendo Wii. В игре есть несколько игро...
Play as the mysterious new character TSYGAN, a rogue insurgent that joins the Core Guardians in defending the only enclave of humanity left on the planet LOEK III. Road to Elysion...
Return to the Arc Islands for The Last Stand! Lume activity has increased exponentially and you and your fellow Core Guardians find yourselves more outnumbered than ever. Even out...
The first Base-building, RTS, Shooter hybrid in Cryengine.
Have you ever wanted to make a fresh start on an alien world? Eden Star is a survival game that drops you onto the alien landscape of Pharus 7, free to explore and gather resources...
Lux Alliance is a synchronized-turns strategy war game, inspired by the classic boardgames RISK, Diplomacy and Axis & Allies. Marshall your troops, collaborate with your allies, an...
Explore a new world of twists and turns where you will be at the edge of your seat. Secrets of the Lost Tomb is an Egyptian-themed role-playing game with puzzles, first and third-p...
In the far future, the human race has abandoned Earth for the reaches of outer space, having ruined the planet in the relentless quest for resources and in endless conflict. In a d...