Start a dimension-jumping adventure with Quby! In a universe, dimensions are connected to each other. In the center of the passages lies Dimensional Core, keeping the balance betwe...
The Spider of Lanka begins in 1741, one year before the first scenario in The Case of the Golden Idol, and uncovers the awful origins of this five-decade tale of betrayal, greed, a...
One Hand Clapping is a musical 2D puzzle platformer that requires players to sing into their microphone to solve puzzles.
La-Mulana is a 2D side-scrolling platform game, first released on May 27, 2005 in Japan for Microsoft Windows that features graphics and an interface inspired by MSX games. The gam...
Reverse x Reverse - это последняя игра от desunoya, создателя Tobari и the Night of the Curious Moon. Эта игра представляет собой симпатичный и причудливый платформер-головоломку,...
From the mind of Baiyon, creative director and hypnotic soundscape composer, for both the award winning Pixeljunk Eden and Eden Obscura, comes Eden 2, an exploration of life, color...
Memories is a horror game where you explore a murder victims house and try to investigate the case while navigating around a house, avoiding the evil spirits that lurk within. Surv...
Baby Dino Adventures is a cute platformer game inspired by classic retro games. You play a lost baby T-Rex, and help him find his parents back. You won't kill anyone. But rather so...
It's a platformer about magic and whacking things! What does that mean? It means you go around whacking enemies with your staff to get their magic! But ultimately, all you need to...
Introducing Hata no Kokoro the expressive pokerface! Has the Combo Morph: 3 Types ability that gives you three types of Special Bubbles depending on the color of your fifth combo....
Звездный состав героев собрался, чтобы испытать свой характер в этой милой и хаотичной новой боевой игре с подбором цветов для Nintendo Switch. Crystal Crisis представлен как файти...
В Battle Chef Brigade есть фантастические повара, в том числе орки, эльфы и люди, которым нужно охотиться на опасных монстров за ингредиентами. С помощью этих ингредиентов, под кри...
Project Utgardr is an adventure, parkour and puzzle solving game in an old and far land. Based on exploration and nordic mythology... This is a non-game and none is playing with it...
A doujin game by Nuu based on the Touhou Project series.
Buckle-up for an epic road trip through a colorful world of puzzles and adventure. Use driving skills and puzzle solving abilities to find missing artifacts and piece together the...
Have you ever expected to see the famous plumber Mario in a puzzle game? Mario Forever: Block Party is one of the more interesting Mario games. It mixes the classical, platform gam...
Принцесса-лгунья и слепой принц повествует о двух одиноких сердцах, сведенных вместе по взаимному недоразумению. В ней вы управляете волком, переодетым принцессой, который ведет сл...
A relaxing puzzle escape game! Make your way through a variety of hand-crafted 3D dioramas, look for useful objects, find hidden clues and solve a diversity of fun puzzles! Unravel...
Utterly unique and spellbindingly beautiful, PixelJunk Eden welcomes you to a psychedelic world unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before. As a tiny, silk-spinning “grimp,” i...
Прошли годы с тех пор, как храбрая Мина Локхарт победила лорда Стрикса. Но темные тени снова поднимаются! Духи беспокойны! Ибо он пробудился! Злой лорд Стрикс собирает новую армию,...
Выплыть на берег на незнакомом острове Иттл и Типпси попадают на еще один остров, наполненный добычей, головоломками и таинственными обитателями! С помощью волшебной карты они нам...
Mr. Pumpkin 2: Kowloon Walled City is a sequel to the Mr. Pumpkin franchise. Our protagonist, an insignificant guy with a pumpkin head, will explore the Kowloon Walled City of Hong...
Овладейте сложным физическим механизмом трансмутационного двигателя — самого совершенного инструмента инженера-алхимика - и используйте его для создания жизненно важных лекарств, д...
Насильственная смерть милых созданий - это все, что нужно для спасения кучки несчастных тварей. Запускайте их по кругу, чтобы безопасно вывести с каждого уровня. Уклоняйтесь от сме...
A doujin action puzzle game by Twilight Frontier based on the Touhou Project series.
Welcome to the trippy world of the Rainbow Ark – filled with quirky characters, puzzles, secrets and more. Defend your home against a fleet of deafening airships by using alchemy t...
World-Splitter” is a 2D² puzzle platformer, challenging you with multidimensional puzzles. You'll travel through wonderful and fantastic worlds that are beautifully animated and f...
Play solo or team up with a friend and guide twin sisters Aisha and Lisha through a mysterious temple in the beautiful fantasy adventure Aliisha: The Oblivion of Twin Goddesses. In...