Eldarya is a visual novel created by ChiNoMiko and developed by Beemoov, taking place in a fantasy world where the player character (often referred to as Erika) has the ability to...
Springtrap embarks on the most thrilling night of debauchery yet... Five Nights at F***boy’s 3 is a FNaF fangame developed by Sable Lynn and Joshua Shaw. It is the climactic seque...
It's ALIVE!! This is the first Halloween Special for the Viridescent Dragon visual novel series! Join Charlotte, Seleste and Dawn as they try to throw a Halloween Party they'll nev...
Suzumiya Haruhi no Tomadoi is a visual novel where you are tasked to help the super game producer Haruhi Suzumiya to create the best video game in the world! Give orders to the SOS...
Yuuki Yuna wa Yuusha de Aru S is a Japanese visual novel based on the Yuuki Yuna wa Yuusha de Aru franchise. The story follows the five female club members of the Sanshu Middle Sch...
War of the Human Tanks - это сюжетная стратегическая игра с геймплеем, напоминающим линейный корабль и шахматы, в которой рассказывается о войне, верности, самопожертвовании и танк...
A Capcom developed adventure game released exclusively for Nintendo DS systems in Japan
Surviving the Humans is a 2D point-and-click adventure-style video game. Face the humans, who will seek to eliminate you in any way, while you learn what it is to be a zombie.
Once upon a time, a lonesome Recluse wished for a daughter. A wandering witch overheard their wish, and instead granted them a pot of dirt with a strange, fungal, creature growing...
Plop down on the couch in your comfiest pajamas, grab a big bowl of cereal, and prepare to enter Kokoro Clover, a 2D platformer inspired by Sunday morning Japanese anime shows of t...
Five Nights at F***boy’s 2 is a FNaF fangame and sequel to surprise hit Five Nights at F***boy's created by Sable Lynn and Joshua Shaw in RPG Maker VX Ace. This version includes t...
SoulSet - это визуальный роман в жанре мистики и романтики, в котором вы можете попытаться избежать смерти и наладить отношения как с мужскими, так и с женскими персонажами. Вы игр...
2083 AD. Akizuki High’s Superpower Club accomplishes their first victory and dominated the nationwide competition. However, the joy was only momentary. Due to a violent incident in...
Ore-sama Quest was released June 23, 2006. It was released to run on windows XP and later had a patch released to allow it to run on Vista.
Imagine Castlevania meets The Bachelor in this hilarious and enthralling genre mashup that will satisfy your (blood)lust. Will Drac find “Love at First Bite,” or will he discover “...
This is my very first Visual Novel, Viridescent Dragon Chapter 1. (As this is a kinetic visual novel, it is straight-forward and you could just auto-play it like a movie if...
Di Gi Charat Fantasy Excellent is a port of Di Gi Charat Fantasy for PlayStation 2.
A 2000's VIPRPG game which begins as a parody of Dragon Quest 5, then slowly but surely flourishes into its own narrative spinning one of the most interwoven, complex, and hilariou...
The Secret Weapons DLC comes with a brand-new dunj, three new weapons-slash-love interests, and more.
Written by the famous Roman comedian Plautus in 184 BC, Casina was considered one of the most famous and funny comedies in Ancient History. Casina the Visual Novel is the newest ti...
How to Win is an online adventure game where the story is controlled by player’s suggestions and votes. Whatever you decide, that’s what happens next. Created by multi-award win...