Nicole is a dating sim that revolves around your day-to-day life as a college student. You can take up part-time jobs to earn money, explore various locations, do recreational and...
Разветвленный диалог! Трудный выбор! Целое кладбище фантомов, привидений и полтергейстов, ищущих любовь во всех гиблых местах. Speed Dating for Ghosts - это странный симулятор свид...
Mitsumete Knight is a 1997 Dating Sim on PlayStation 1, developed by Konami in cooperation with Red Company. The spiritual successor of Konami's smash hit Tokimeki Memorial: Foreve...
The Iris School of Wizardry. A school where girls and boys blessed with intelligence, talent, and economic fortune gather. The difficulty factor is said to be more than 300, but t...
Недавно прибывшая в школу-интернат в Викторианской Англии, Сара Крю использует свою любовь к книгам и рассказыванию историй для построения новых отношений. Но что происходит со ска...
Sound Novel Tsukuuru is a Miscellaneous game, developed by Success and published by ASCII Entertainment, which was released in Japan in 1996. It is a Satellaview-compatible Slotted...
Решайте пикроссы, встречайтесь с супергероями-головоломками и спасайте положение! Симулятор свиданий встречает головоломку picross в этом приключении романтической комедии.
Angelique Special is a renovated version of Koei's first Angelique game, Angelique Special featured several new animated scenes, in addition to voice acting by several big-name voi...
In this world corporations control even the most basic human necessities. Betrayed by the calculated cruelty of an evil corporation, Josephine finds herself homeless, jobless and w...
Следуйте за Аской Осачи; взбалмошной девушкой, готовящейся стать медсестрой в Школе медсестер Тейто. Познакомьтесь с историей ее и ее одноклассников, когда они открывают для себя л...
Embark on a road trip like no other in this co-op narrative survival adventure. Visit fun locations, meet wacky characters, and manage your resources wisely. And yes: you still can...
Last Days of Spring is a YA (Young Adult) Otome Visual Novel following a group of high school seniors in their last week of school as they come to terms with questions about love,...
The Flower Shop is a dating and farming simulation game. Steve's life has just taken a downward turn. His grades from his first semester in college are dismal, his relationship wi...
Café Rouge is an otome visual novel featuring 3+ pursue-able male love interests, 12 side characters, and 7+ hours of gameplay. Follow the story of Isis Black, your typical America...
‘iPhone goth gf's iPhone’ высылает вам по воздуху - принять или отклонить? Романтическая история ужасов о жизни, смерти и мемах. Изменение перспективы может изменить все.
Next-generation romance adventure game with the theme of Ultimate selection and the story that the song plays. In addition to the huge scenario set in the school life, voice record...
A visual novel where your choices determine the future of your relationship and the success of your colony. Choose how to treat your husband and how to spend your free time in this...
Sent to the Human Realm on her heavenly mission of “matchmaking”, Lynette meets her biggest challenge yet: the infamous Parasite 5. In order to help these five hopeless men find tr...