As a story extension to the highly anticipated upcoming blockbuster film of the same name from Walt Disney Animation Studios, the Wreck-It Ralph video game is set to inspire a whol...
A space station that was built more than 1000 years before by Earth, shortly after its launch, vanished. The station has since then mysteriously reappeared and it's bound on a coll...
Curious George is a colorful action adventure that is based on the Curious George animated movie. In the game you can help George explore a variety of areas, collect items such as...
Start a dimension-jumping adventure with Quby! In a universe, dimensions are connected to each other. In the center of the passages lies Dimensional Core, keeping the balance betwe...
Из Википедии: The Peanuts Movie: Грандиозное приключение Снупи - это видеоигра на платформе с боковой прокруткой, основанная на фильме Peanuts. Игра была запущена 3 ноября 2015...
Commonly known as Cat Mario, Syobon Action is a 'masocore' parody of Super Mario Bros., featuring an anthropomorphic cat. The game deliberately subverts many of the mechanics that...
Hell Pie is a single player 3D-Platformer which empowers the player with an extensive set of moves based on a swing mechanic and lets him explore a combination of twisted large wor...
When Yogi Bear catches wind of a plan to turn Jellystone Park into a Chemical plant he sets out on a mission to stop it. Play as Yogi in this side-scrolling Action/Adventure that i...
Присоединяйтесь к своим любимым ютуберам в эпическом квесте в PewDiePie: Legend of the Brofist.
As the loveable can-do star, Stuart, players run, dodge, drive, skateboard, jump and fly in an action packed platform adventure game. The title follows the storyline from the film...
TEMBO THE BADASS ELEPHANT - это 2D-приключенческий боевик с боковой прокруткой больше, чем в жизни, от Game Freak.
Citrouille - это современная интерпретация старой аркадной классики. Отважитесь на опасность и покройте мир цветами, используя свои волшебные лестницы. Играйте в одиночку, вместе...
Когда становится трудно, крутые не сдаются! От создателей жестокой и любимой миллионами игроков по всему миру серии Flash выходит последняя часть хардкорного платформера на основе...
Futurama begins when Professor Farnsworth sells his delivery ship to Mom, an evil businesswoman, giving her ownership of more than 50 percent of Earth. Now, with Mom threatening to...
Worms Clan Wars - это артиллерийская стратегическая игра, разработанная в серии Worms. Возвращаются многие особенности геймплея из предыдущих игр Worms, такие как механика воды и...
Ben and Ed - это 3D-платформер, в котором игрок управляет зомби Эдом, который вынужден участвовать в гротескном игровом шоу под названием Rundead. Преодолеет ли он все препятствия,...
Earthworm Jim is back, and he's brought a ton of mayhem and destruction with him! EARTHWORM JIM: Menace 2 the Galaxy is the second Game Boy Color adventure for everyone's favorite...
Chip and Dale, those tiny but daring detectives, have learned of some terrifying news: The notorious criminal cat has escaped from prison and he's stolen the Urn of the Pharaoh. Th...
Tiny Toon Adventures is a platform video game for the NES. It was published and developed by Konami and released in 1991. It is the first Tiny Toon Adventures video game to be rele...
Transformice - это многопользовательская игра, в которой вы - маленькая мышка, отправляющаяся за сыром и возвращающая сыр обратно в лунку. Игра включает в себя физический движок, п...
Scrooge McDuck is hot on the trail of the richest adventure ever. Pieces to the map of the Lost Treasure of McDuck have been scattered across the globe, and Scrooge must find them...
Halfbrick Studios, the creators of Fruit Ninja and Jetpack Joyride, go back to their N64 roots to bring you an action platformer like no other. Featuring a Mario-like hero, weapons...
Last Stitch Goodnight is a side scrolling action adventure that embraces a new mythology. After a near-death experience, you are kidnapped by a doctor who is experimenting on peopl...
The last part of the first series of the Rex's Adventures. The heroes have fixed the story, but instead of going home, they ended up in the 19th century, where their time machine w...
G'day, Mate. Explore the wilds of Australia with TY the Tasmanian Tiger, the charming Aussie platformer. Stone the crows! Are you ready to explore the wilds of the Australian Outba...
Отправляйтесь в опасное путешествие, которое положило начало легендарным выходкам Натана Дрейка. Охотьтесь за потерянным сокровищем Эльдорадо с помощью отважной журналистки Елены Ф...
Peculiar platform game that allows you to call companions that help you traverse the many levels.
In this game, based on popular Nickelodeon comics, you control three monsters: Ickis, Oblina, and Krumm. The Gromble, a headmaster in monster school, needs you to perform the final...