Heading back to the early days of the Dragon Ball story, players control Kid Goku as he sets out on fantastic adventures with his friends. The title faithfully reproduces the uniqu...
Originating in the arcades, Dynasty Wars is a beat-em-up set during the Three Kingdoms Era of the Chinese history, and is, more specifically, based on the Tenchi o Kurau manga adap...
Boss Rush: Mythology - This is an action game in which you have to fight various creatures and gods from Greek, Scandinavian, Slavic and Egyptian mythologies. Take on the role of...
Joe and Silvia are back in this sequel to Viewtiful Joe. This time you have more style, new special moves, and more than 40 new enemies to defeat. Now Joe's trusty aircraft transfo...
Dangerous Streets is a colorful sprite-based fighting game in the vein of Street Fighter II. Its eight characters are diverse, ranging from fashion models to a bizarre monster cust...
Saint Seiya: Sanctuary Battle immerses players in the most popular drama from Saint Seiya: the Sanctuary, as Seiya and his companions fight side by side to defeat the gold saints o...
Shadow War is a MMORPG set in a fantasy Eastern-themed environment. The game was released in Taiwan and Brazil and, even though officially offline since 2013, it still has active p...
Your Super Mario! What does that mean? It means you gotta go kick Bowsers ass! And thats exactly what your going to do!
Bad Street Brawler was developed by Beam Software in 1987 for the Amiga, Commodore 64, MS-DOS, and the Nintendo Entertainment System. It was one of two games that were designed for...
Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic is a PSN exclusive game based on Mark Healey's independently created PC title Rag Doll Kung Fu.
Dragon Ball GT: Transformation is a Game Boy Advance action game based on the Japanese cartoon Dragon Ball GT. Transformation follows the Dragon Ball GT storyline from the Child Go...
Shin Nekketsu Kōha Kunio-kun: Kunio-tachi no Banka is a beat 'em up in the Kunio / Nekketsu High series. The eternal rebel Kunio and his pal Riki finally get to face the long arm...
5 Force Fighters is a 2D fighting game with a cast of unstoppable characters, and a combat system that boasts universal offensive and defensive options. Unravel the story of 5 teen...
In this version of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the player has three basic attacks (one of which is accomplished by pressing the two action buttons simultaneously), a throw, and t...
In the year 2281, the war spanning half a century over territory between the United World Forces and the Raian Kingdom had at last come to an end. But this peace was not to last....
Captain Blue is casting for the lead in his new action movie and the competition is RED HOT! Fight head-to-head against your friends - whoever is the most kick-butt lands the starr...
Riot Zone is a side-scrolling fighting game that follows two heroes as they fight to take down an evil organization. The crime syndicate Dragon Zone has kidnapped Hawk's girlfriend...
Krut: The Mythic Wings is a fast-paced hack and slash, side-scrolling platformer based on a 2018 Thai CG animated feature-length film Krut: The Himmaphan Warriors, following the ad...
Spiritfall is a fast-paced Action Roguelite inspired by Platform Fighters. Battle against a multitude of enemies using an ever-changing arsenal of divine powers.
Target: Renegade is a scrolling beat'em up (or flip-screen on certain versions) computer game released on the Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64 and ZX Spectrum systems in the late 1980s by...
And arcade Shoot'em/beat'em up/platformer. You plays as various humanoids that battle each other in arena combat.
Final Fight punches its way onto Sega CD. When the Mad Gear Gang is around, you know laws are being broken. Enter the good guys, Haggar, Cody and Guy, with killer roundhouse kicks...
A brawler and fighting game and the first Super Famicom game of the Hiryu no Ken (Flying Dragon) series from Culture Brain. It was followed by an updated version which would later...
Super Catboy is an action-packed platformer in a high-bit pixel art style which combines the best elements of the golden 16-bit platformer era of the 90s - enhanced with new ideas!...
The gameplay is similar to Taito's Violence Fight and SNK's Street Smart. The player must jump, punch, and kick their opponent until his/her energy runs out. If the player presses...
Bad Dudes, are you bad enough?! Rampant ninja related crimes these days... Whitehouse is not the exception.... As soon as that occurs, a Secret Service agent asks two street-smart...
Players One and Two start with the two selectable protagonists, Rick and Allen. Each private detective uses different fighting styles, attempt to solve cases by beating up each cri...
The player begins the game by choosing from one of four different forest rangers, each with a different amount of health, attack strength, and jumping height. The game's controls c...