ARGONAVIS from BanG Dream! AAside is a mobile rhythm game for the boy band project from the multimedia franchise BanG Dream!. The game follows the events after the TV anime ARGONA...
An insatiable desire to dance inexplicably takes reign over a peasant farmland which Peter Talisman finds himself determined to find the source of. Harvest a seemingly endless amou...
Listen to the beat to navigate obstacles and escape the mansion in this mini-metroidvania inspired by Peranakan culture! Talk to strange and funny ghosts, and help them with their...
There was a world where only Uro lived. I brought music and color back to the world Again, one day, colors and sounds disappeared from the world. The Uros who noticed the incident...
Join the strongest mortal warrior, Lyrik, and slide, jump & slash to the beat to please the Gods of Rhythm! Solve the problems that the mortal realm faces in this auto-running, Gre...
Sonority is a music-based puzzle game. You are playing as Esther, a young girl who has made it her task to unveil the secrets of music. Equipped with her panpipes she arrives at th...
Dancing Stage Universe, is next generation, bigger, louder, and jam-packed with cutting edge music and exclusive dance tracks! Music videos and mind blowing visuals bring the bigge...
Tuneria is a music-focused RPG inspired by games such as Golden Sun, Ocarina of Time, Chrono Trigger, and To the Moon. Tuneria is a 2d RPG where you can use your keyboard to hold f...
Подпрыгивайте в такт, как давний соперник Кирби в ритм-экшене King Dedede's! Прыгайте по барабанам, собирая монеты и избегая врагов, нажимая на кнопки синхронно с запоминающимися м...
There's a big music contest going on amongst the world's best animal DJs! Armed with a big fishing rod and a plug, go fishing in deep waters to help the DJs catch all of the Monoma...
Tokyo 7th Sisters is a fully-voiced rhythm / idol raising simulation game with card battling components developed by Donuts Co. Ltd. Originally released in Japan for iOS on Februar...
D4 FES, a DJ festival that is the stuff of legends. Inspired by this festival, Japan too experiences a new dawn in DJ culture. As DJs becomes the main method for people to experien...
Klang 2 is a psychedelic rhythm-action game, blindly pursuing full immersion with dance music through high-speed combat. The player's abilities to fight and defeat enemies are div...
Construct the beat and unleash the music. Create original tunes in seconds, via your very own virtual reality DJ booth.
Zombie Slayer Diox is a rhythm-action game with a side-scrolling twist!
Mind Labyrinth VR Dreams is an emotional journey through your alternative world in dream-like environments and atmospheres...
Frederic 3 is a continuation of the music games series popular and appreciated around the world. The unique and somewhat crazy plot, music inspired by the classical works, and the...
Lonely fruits and veggies with emotional problems need your help in this short point and click puzzle/adventure.
Play as a special ops combat unit sent to investigate why the stars around Solar System are going dark in MegaSphere — a story-based post-cyberpunk action platformer adventure game...
Gabriella must be dreaming... Help the Wildcats find the missing instruments in time for the state competition! Play as Gabriella, Troy, Sharpay and Ryan, each with unique abilitie...
Fret Nice is a platform game that you play using a guitar controller.
Half game. Half album. All awesome! A colourful art-punk adventure towards the best night of your life in a unique split release from Team Lazerbeam and The Superweaks!
Little Party is a video game where the player controls a mother stuck at their daughter's birthday party.
Life Is Not Auto is a rhythm + survival based timing game. You manually control the organs to keep your character alive until life ends.
A world of Police that have forgotten what, and why, they are policing. Rooftop Cop is a collection of five endless vignette games and a 7-track album. The games are set on a loose...
Amabilly is a lovely girl who loves rock 'n' roll, and this story is about her greatest adventure! With her favorite guitar as a weapon, she faces strange creatures and even the gr...
Victorious: Hollywood Arts Debut will immerse players in Hollywood Arts High School, where they attend a full year as a new student and enjoy adventures alongside Tori, André, Cat...