Первое прохождение When The Darkness Comes занимает около часа, и кажется, что вы блуждаете по неисправному жесткому диску, полному абстрактных снов и прекрасных кошмаров. Рассказч...
Rexaura is a modification for Valve's Portal featuring a single-player campaign through an alternate world of Aperture Science. It contains 20 new chambers centered around high ene...
Fobia: St. Dinfna Hotel is a first-person psychological horror indie game focused on environment exploration, survival and puzzles solving, developed by the Brazilian studio Pulsat...
Welcome to Arcade Paradise, the 90’s retro arcade adventure game. With the keys to the family laundromat, Ashley decides to transform the business and give the sleepy town of Grind...
Five Nights at Sonic's Maniac Mania is fan game made by SmilerFurcifier/PyroTheRapidFox, it is based of FNaF and it is a UCN.
GoD Factory: Wingmen is a multiplayer space combat game played through fast-paced and intense 4 vs 4 player matches. This unique blend of competitive multiplayer and tactical space...
Kill, drink, and kill some more in Wasted, a roguelike post-apocalyptic pub crawler set in a lawless wasteland that lives and dies by the rules Get wasted, or get wasted trying. W...
Gloria Victis is a low fantasy Medieval MMORPG with an emphasis on realism. What does this mean? Open PvP with territory control, non-target combat, sandbox crafting, player-driven...
UBOAT is a simulator of a submarine from WWII era. It is a survival sandbox with crew management mechanics while its primary theme is life of German sailors. The boat is their home...
Happy Stealing with Kirisame Marisa is a Touhou fan-made horror game, you are playing as Kirisame Marisa who are trying to steal important things from Koumakan, and exit safely. Th...
Lemnis Gate presents a revolutionary new way to play a First-Person Shooter with its unique time travel gameplay mechanics. Spanned over multiple rounds, players take turns alterin...
Roche Limit: The Death of CMK is a horror-surrealist style PowerPoint game made over the course of eight months. It features over 1,500 slides and 80+ unique hand drawn scenes. The...
Когда в аду больше не останется места, мертвые будут ходить по земле. Дань уважения нашумевшей серии фильмов, из которой взята приведенная выше цитата, No More Room in Hell (PC Ga...
House of the Dying Sun - это тактический космический шутер, в котором вы окажетесь в кабине самого смертоносного перехватчика Империи и будете командовать флотом Предвестников. Выс...
Keep moving, the world is dying in this Nomadic Survival MMO. Build walking mobile bases and travel to new lands. Create clans and fight for territory. Resources deplete fast, so t...
Most clouds float along in the sky, but these adorable fluffy clouds need to be taken care of in cloud daycare! Explore the world, collect delicious fruits, and cook tasty meals in...
Fashion Police Squad - это юмористический ретро FPS, в котором вы боретесь с модными преступлениями, используя оружие, улучшающее наряды. В роли сержанта Деса очистите улицы от нос...
Neverout is a game like no other. It takes huge inspiration from the most classic 'Escape Room' in history. The game features reality bending, quantum physics, traps, obstacles and...
HEATHEN - это одиночное приключение с захватывающим видом от первого лица (F.P.S), созданное 2 инди-разработчиками. Вдохновлен романом Герберта Уэллса Остров доктора Моро. Англи...
Ghost Blood is a first-person action game where you must fight the horrors of an abandoned graveyard to learn about ancient secrets and magic. Discover a rich world filled with cha...
Day One: Garry's Incident is a PC survival game developed and published by Wild Games Studio in Mascouche, Québec, Canada and released on 25 September 2013. The game received prima...
Heroes & Generals is the ultimate WW2 game. A free-to-play MMOFPS, where Germany, the United States and the Soviet Union fight for victory in one grand, persistent online war fough...
The acclaimed First-Person Shooter returns fully upgraded, and more beautifully challenging than ever. Hard Reset: Redux is a brand new version of the cyberpunk classic that includ...
Empyrion - Galactic Survival - это 3D-приключение на выживание в космической песочнице с открытым миром. Стройте могучие корабли, грозные космические станции и обширные планетарные...
Готовьте, подавайте, Вкусно! 2!! это масштабное продолжение оригинального бестселлера surprise, одной из немногих игр, которая дает игрокам полный контроль над тем, как они хотят п...
Slayer Shock is a role-playing shooter about hunting vampires in Nebraska. Operating from your headquarters at a college coffee shop, you take missions to patrol the streets, resc...
Totally Accurate Battlegrounds is a parody of the Battle Royale genre. A bunch of physics-based weirdos fight it out on an island, everything is silly and possibly a bit buggy.
В Serious Sam 3: Jewel of the Nile легендарный герой отправится в таинственный храм Исиды на острове Филе, где его поджидает чудовищный хранитель. В разгар событий Serious Sam 3: B...