While attending a religious recollection, Holly Beltran experiences strange hauntings throughout the convent. At night, broken faced statues and whispered prayers haunt Holly’s dre...
An old-school JRPG with a deep and mysterious storyline placed in a fictional dark city of Gris. Explore the story of four troubled souls and kill the abominations that threaten th...
Can Androids Pray: Blue is the blue version of the critically-acclaimed 3D narrative game about two angry femme mech pilots at the end of the world, and God.
First chapter of the saga, The Devil's Womb is a free Made in Italy classic puzzle adventure-horror title produced by Insane Kat Studio and made with RPG Maker MV.
Little Goody Two Shoes is an tactical narrative RPG that tells the story of Elise, an ambitious girl stuck in a village too small for her big dreams. In this village of Kieferberg...
A mysterious child brings unrest to her family. Kiki & Ana - The Child is a cute, story-focused horror RPG featuring beautiful art, compelling music, and chilling atmosphere.
'The Shadows That Run Alongside Our Car' is a visual novel about two strangers driving down an open highway in an apocalyptic scenario.
Paper Bride 3 is a Chinese horror mystery puzzle game. This time the story takes place in Moshui Village, which is near Zangling Village, and Fulu City, a small town nearby.
Be You 2 is an interactive visual novel. In this sequel to be you, you must raise a child by making story choices. There are multiple routes and endings based on your offspring's p...
Image of Perfection is a creepy, atmospheric RPG about confronting fears and your past. Rather than a pure horror RPG, this is a story-driven game about confronting unsettling trut...
The free-to-play first episode of a horror-mystery game with dark humor and hand-drawn art from award-winning graphic novelist Abby Howard.
Psycho Dreams is a surreal psychological horror game inspired by Yume Nikki, with deep atmosphere, interesting mysteries and exciting story inspired by the best visual novel games!
You wake up with an aching head and the world out of focus. In front of you is a man accusing you of being fake. He looks exactly like you, down to the last scar and pimple, has th...
A manor in the countryside stands resolute against the elements, protecting its occupants rain or shine. Henri and Julien, its vampiric occupants, aren't weathering so well, howev...
You're a young Victorian lady whose college classmates have branded as a potential witch. They dared you to spend a night in an abandoned mansion where a terrible incident occurred...
Let's MEAT Adam is a Bara, BxB visual novel set in a neon NIGHTMARE of an escape room turned death game. Muscles, Blood, Escape, Trust, Betray, MEAT.
Welcome to the club! Write poems for your crush and experience the terror of school romance in this critically-acclaimed psychological horror story.