The Chrono Jotter is a mystery and suspense visual novel that follows the steps of Ran Ibuki, a high-school student, as she investigates against the clock to discover who's killing...
Seduction is a 2D horror adventure game that replies on solving puzzles and escaping dangers. Searched for items that are crucial for puzzles while some are well hidden. Escape fro...
An addon for Fallen London. The Exceptional Story for September, 2021.
The second DLC side story for the game 99 Spirits. Contains a side story about Kotetsu's and Waka's backstory as well as 3 bonus stories in the Drama Theater section with stories t...
Escape from the Shadow Land!
Hidden object game, where the heroine Tiffany must rescue her boyfriend from the clutches of a wicked demon.
Dark Souls: Daughters of Ash - это масштабное переосмысление и расширение Dark Souls. В нем вы найдете новых боссов, врагов, персонажей, сюжетные линии, оружие и предметы, расширен...
An addon for Fallen London. The Exceptional Story for May, 2020. Third and final story of the Season of Endeavours.
An addon for Fallen London. The Exceptional Story for May, 2021.
An addon for Fallen London. The Exceptional Story for August, 2021.
An addon for Fallen London. The Exceptional Story for November, 2021.
My name is Legion; for we are many. - Gospel of Mark, 5:9 Your extraordinary gift is also your biggest curse. It is a burden you must bare. The ability to see things others cannot...
Great atmosphere, weird clever graphics and amazingly spooky music. This is a genuinely unsettling game but a brilliant one. Nothing else like it. Get this game anyway you can.(Bro...
An addon for Fallen London. The Exceptional Story for December, 2021.
An addon for Fallen London. A Premium Story, originally debuting for the holiday season in 2020. Upwards! is intended for high level players. It can be accessed from the Bone Mark...
This Visual Novel tells the story of a dark journey in a broken world. The action takes place in the abandoned estate of the former Order called “Black Rose”. One day this estate...
An addon for Fallen London. The Exceptional Story for May, 2018. Third and final entry in the Season of Adorations.
An addon for Fallen London. The Exceptional Story for January, 2019. Second entry in the Season of Hobbies.
Clem is a narrative-driven puzzle adventure game with a dark twist. Wake up in a world where puzzles intertwine with exploration, weaving a unique narrative rooted in alchemy. A vo...
Our Lady of Pyres is add-on for Fallen London, a browser-based choose-your-own-adventure game set in Fallen London, an alternative Victorian London with gothic overtones. Our Lady...
A short horror story about insects, endings, gods, and the destructive capacity of hieroglyphs.
Travel through five mind-bending worlds to discover the ancient secret of alchemy that will free the trapped souls from evil's grip. Do you dare enter the Forbidden Lands?
An addon for Fallen London. The Exceptional Story for April, 2018. Second entry in the Season of Adorations.
The Rocky Interactive Horror Show Game is a 1999 PC Video game. Released in March 1999 for the PC by On-Line PLC. Similarly to the earlier CRL game, the player plays as Brad or Jan...
Malus is a Action Role Playing Game with an emphasis on horror, combat and gameplay. The game is much slower paced than your typical ARPG. In Malus, the world has been overrun b...
An addon for Fallen London. The Exceptional Story for September, 2017. First entry in the Season of Scepters.
An addon for Fallen London. The Exceptional Story for November, 2019. Third and final entry in the Season of Propinquity.
An addon for Fallen London. The Exceptional Story for October, 2020.