McPixel 3 is a mind-blowing save-the-day adventure that sees the titular wanna-be hero avert one disaster after another at every turn using unconventional yet entertaining methods...
Dungeon Hero is a classic style Dungeon Crawler with a Casual/Cartoony twist.
Imagine a room where a TV seems to be sitting on a table. But when you look at it from another angle, it appears to be floating in mid-air. Magic? No. Perspective? Yes. Welcome to...
Grab your hoverboard and explore the ancient, mysterious world of AnShi as you glide across caves, large deserts and old temple ruins to discover its secrets. With the company of a...
Woodsalt is an adventure game set on the planet of Nu-Terra, 1000 years after Earth was evacuated during chaotic natural disasters and an attack by giant creatures.
Tiny Talos is the exploration-focused adventure of Talos, a miniature robot with an aptitude for cleaning. The player can climb, fly, or jet through a large house, discovering its...
In this stylish game, you will fight for your life and explore hand-crafted-like environments. Your car breaks down in a mysterious area, full of horrific human remains, and you...
Simulation of Life in Hell
Explore a huge universe on your journey on behalf of the Stellar Union. Trade with alien races, build your own space stations, collect resources and craft a wide variety of items....
Travel to the Blue Sun parallel dimension to experience a new layer of story that reveals the one true cause of the Merge cataclysm. A ton of new armors and characters, a new “cont...
Guardian is a fast and furious shoot 'em up. You skim over the surface of a planet, shooting enemies down as quickly as you can, with the hope of protecting as many of the installa...
In this game, you will be tasked with preparing various treats and delivering them to the customers. Grab items and combine ingredients in compounds. But be warned. Customers have...
This game is a third person shooter where you, a member of the Gamma-13 task force should recover a lost android, but found much more than expected.
The clock is ticking and the survival game can no longer be stopped. James and Chloe have been chosen and nothing will ever be the same again after discovering the Dark Unknown.
Myth Bearer is an open world adventure RPG with puzzly elements. Actions taken during your journey are permanent - enemies don’t respawn, consumed items are forever gone, and story...
Mists of Aiden is a first-person story driven horror game. You play as a thief trapped in an eerie mansion. Each choice can open a new mystery of the house and lead to a unique wal...
SinSeed is a battle royale game with no time limits. An island awaits you that you will fight endlessly. A never-ending battle royale game, you are the only one to rule this...
It´s the sixth entry in the long-lasting point and click adventure series Polda about a dumb detective named Pankrác. The game contains a classic adventure gameplay and tons of hum...
Tree Trunk Brook is a tiny adventure game about hiking during the pandemic. Follow trail blazes, take photos, make friends, and find lost items. The visitor center is closed, but t...
Each episode puts you in control of a different protagonist in an open, nonlinear maze and world who has to figure out the secrets of Höll Space to survive. The game emphasizes bu...