Prima Doll: Kouto Tantei is the second volume of the kinetic novel series based on the multimedia project Prima Doll, being a prequel to the events of the anime, focused on the cha...
A long time after the 2000s WHEN the Earth is being ruled (invaded) by powerful (rogue) AI. 3 human beings are thrown into a room where there is no escape. (Or there might be some...
Galaxy Angel is primarily a visual novel, punctuated with real-time tactics gameplay segments. On occasion, the player will be given the freedom to move about the Elle Ciel, inspec...
A serial visual novel/mech brawler about gay disasters beating up neonazis in giant robots made of meat. The worst road trip of all time continues through the Rozarx mountains, a t...
Prima Doll: Mumei Tenrei is the second volume of the kinetic novel series based on the multimedia project Prima Doll. It is a prequel to the anime series focused on the character H...
A serial visual novel/mech brawler about four gay disasters beating up neonazis in giant robots made of meat. Get ready for the worst road trip of all time.
Grid:Locked is a city building puzzle game, with an interactive world, varied optional game mechanics - like driving, platforming, collectible hunting - and an engaging narrative.
Yu-No: A Girl Who Chants Love at the Bound of this World is a Japanese visual novel/ point-and-click adventure game developed originally as an adult game. The game's protagonist tr...
The year is 3050. The male population has decreased dramatically as a result of long, bloody, intergalactic wars. Now all men are property of the United Galactic Federation and are...
In the rubble of the Syxtercian cathedral you find 3 shell vials containing experimental hormones harvested from slugs. They used to belong to Saint Fiona Bianco Xena - Mother of t...
In this cyberpunk 2D point-and-click adventure game, play as Grey, an amateur detective. Unravel the mystery by searching for clues, solving puzzles, talking to the mask-wearing re...
Set in Akihabara in the near future, Hello, world. is a hearty, feature-length, cyber battle-action/campus-life story about a robot boy and the girls that surround him. Tremendous...
Like its predecessor, De-Ja II is a Japanese-style adventure. The interface has been enhanced compared to the first game. Most of the commands are still done via the extensive verb...
In 2032, Tokyo scientists unveil Araraginium, the 257th element, capable of materializing matter and bringing back the deceased as Araragi Humans. Masakazu Tokimune, a Japanese hig...
Humanity is prospering through the expansion of the Earth's development, but natural destruction has also become extreme. One day Amon, a scientist who opposed the destruction of...