Dive into 'Fight'N'Jokes: Storylines', an episodic 3D adventure game where puzzles, quick-time events, and rich dialogues bring the story to life. Explore the lives of iconic chara...
Light Switch Simulator is a casual, massively multiplayer simulation game where players engage in the ancient battle between light and dark. Players can choose from three factions,...
Yet Another Climbing Game is a punishing ascent, a twisted tribute to the agony of determination. You guide your climber with a single, clumsy mechanic, grappling upward with impre...
Help Bubbo find his hat in this 10 level platformer!
Ninza is a multiplayer fighting game like no other! Instead of directly attacking your opponents, you crush them by pushing pieces of the level. Embrace chaos and dive into an enti...
A fairytale forest in decay. A black rabbit ready to fight... and a king lion who only looks out for himself. Unlock new skills and discover who stole your carrots in a humorous ad...
An adventure game, where you don't control the adventurer. Play the side characters in a medieval village, and decide to help or hinder the adventurer in their mysterious quest.
A story-driven racing game in which the player controls the gear shift of a motorbike with mouse gestures.
A person called Mr. Dot has assassinated the square president. He suffered the electric chair but after a deal with God he risen. Play as Mr. Dot and run around the weird town of H...
Balance of Kingdoms is a competitive multiplayer strategy game with a twist! You must build and balance your kingdom on top of a mountain while attempting to defeat your opponent!
You live in a a cloudless country on the clouds. But they came, and you run.. You have no choice. And you can not win. You can only run for fun these assfaces. How long do you hold...
Abyssal Blood is an Action Rogue-like/Survivors-like where you can dual-wield many types of different weapons at the same time. Play as Lucy, the daughter of Lucifer, who must elim...
Hi folks! In this third series, we will explore Kyoto and greet the cats there Let's play hide and seek with the cats in Kyoto!
Colossus Down is a beat'em up`with a mixture of brute force delivery with lots of fantastic environments that lead the player to plenty of hilarious situations through a narrative...
Can you hold your focus while platforming through Zeebo's bizarre nightmare? Uncover his sad backstory in adventure mode and unlock 3 mechanics to race friends in PVP multiplayer t...
A Short Pixel-Art Platformer Game!
World Lande Countrie is a 2D platformer game about strange-looking blokes doing strange things.
A Parody Propaganda Platformer! Fight for The People through the challenging campaign and contribute to the Common Good by making your own levels and sharing them with your Comrade...
A cosmic horror comedy, free humanity from the cursed ancient cosmic brainwashing. Annihilate enemies with skills of dark humor surreally and become a guardian god of the world whi...
An ultra-violent platformer arcade shooter, featuring tons of guns, metal music, super satisfying gameplay, funny one-liners, dark humor, and a freak-ton of spicy ketchup!
A fantasy comedy story jrpg with (optional!) turn-based combat.
3 Minutes to Midnight is Scarecrow Studio ’s first adventure game with its development led by Jan Serra It is a classic point-and-click adventure game telling the story of Betty An...
Run, slide, and Rocket Boost through a scifi-vania platformer, or explore, solve puzzles, and talk to the wacky locals to progress through this comedic love story about becoming a...
Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope DX is an enhanced edition of the pixel-perfect adventure. Jump, battle foes, and dig up treasure as you quest to defeat the Order of No Quarter and Th...
Sci-fi roguelike auto battler where you command an intergalactic carrier, outfitting it with new spacecraft and technologies to take on other players in asynchronous multiplayer