Prior to visiting The Earth, Tamagotchis did not celebrate Christmas. However, Tamagotchis returning home had learned about the Earth's Christmas tradition, and believed that Santa...
The Hello Kitty Tamagotchi is a licensed Tamagotchi Nano model, and a collaboration between Tamagotchi and Sanrio's Hello Kitty brand.
Sho, a young man who spends his days in an exploitative company in modern Japan, is reincarnated into a parallel universe as Shaw, due to an accident! While the job given in his ne...
Ore no Ryomi 2: The Restaurant is a restaurant management game. Similarly to its predecessor, it's an action-strategy game where the player must manage his funds and personally pre...
European War (musket and artillery) is a thrilling new historical strategy game in the tradition of games such as Risk. Transport yourself onto the European front lines during the...
Hug-tto! PreCure, which broadcasts on ABC TV and TV Asahi every Sunday, joins the Nari Kids Park series. Transform into Cure Yell and the others and have fun!
Cosmopax is a kind of virtual world where you can, among other things, stroll, make friends, chat, become famous, party, compete in games and take care of your Web-room. You just n...
Take a journey into the world of Catlandia where innocent kittens are being brainwashed by the evil ChowCorp and held from their free will! Save and collect as many kittens as you...
12 Locks and Keys is a game for the whole family, solve interesting puzzles and puzzles. You will need to solve various tasks to collect all the keys, an interesting challenge is a...
The Tamagotchi On: Wonder Garden version was released in the USA in July 2020. While it retains the same home screen, baby and child characters, items, and games as the Fantasy ver...
The Twistetchi is a licensed Tamagotchi Nano model based on Twisted Wonderland, a Japanese battle/rhythm mobile game co-developed by The Walt Disney Company and Aniplex, that promi...
i Modo Mo Issho (iモードもいっしょ) is a video game developed by Bomber Express and published by Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. It was released on May 24, 2001 for the PlayStatio...
The ultimate simulation game for all animal lovers.
Umizuri ni Ikou! is a Sports Fishing game, published by Coconuts Japan, which was released in Japan in 1999.
So basically it rained and then all the worms came out to hang out on the sidewalk but you were gunna take a walk but then you decided to just go ahead and take the walk but now yo...
Play now and join the greatest adventure yet with Eroica! True Japanese anime style RPG fit for everyone who is looking to take off on an outstanding story driven game! Enjoy the...
Tamagotchi iD Lovely Melody version is the music-themed version of the Tamagotchi iD, created to tie in with Melodytchi's introduction in the anime. There are 2 designs; Melody Cro...
The Tamagotchi Smart is a virtual pet released in November 2021, celebrating the Tamagotchi franchise's 25th anniversary. Unlike previous Tamagotchi releases, it is in the style of...
The Tourabutchi is a licensed Tamagotchi Nano model based on the video game series Touken Ranbu.
A Target-exclusive handheld recreation of the popular classic game.
Un super jeu d'arcade ou vous devez pénétrer dans un vaisseau spatial, le détruire et fuir avec de nombreux ennemis à vos trousses. Succès garanti pour les amateurs du genre.
Rags to Riches may be called a bum simulator, in that it lets you live life as a bum trying not to starve on the streets of a modern city. You start your week with barely any money...
Princess Amaltea is sent out on this quest, and rescues Prince Ossian. They are both unwilling to play along in these traditional expectations of them, and after fleeing their own...
The year 3020. Be the first to meet all aliens from all over the galaxy. Check alien species and their galactic papers, manage your space station, and, please, try not to unleash a...