A Super Famicom game in the Schbibinman/Shockman series, first released as a (view-limited) downloadable game via the Broadcast Satellaview satellite service in Japan and later re-...
Ben 10: Sumo Slammer Samurai was a game on the Cartoon Network website. The game is based on the episode Game Over of the Original series. Collect coins and defeat various robot en...
In 1993, a Game Boy version of Battletoads was released, titled Battletoads in Ragnarok's World. This version was missing several levels and featured single-player support only. Th...
One Dog Story is an engaging pixel adventure game with RPG elements, gameplay that’ll get you hooked for hours, and well-developed characters. You wake up in an underground laborat...
Joe and Silvia are back in this sequel to Viewtiful Joe. This time you have more style, new special moves, and more than 40 new enemies to defeat. Now Joe's trusty aircraft transfo...
Dragon Ball GT: Transformation is a Game Boy Advance action game based on the Japanese cartoon Dragon Ball GT. Transformation follows the Dragon Ball GT storyline from the Child Go...
The original martial arts adventure continues - all the hard-hitting arcade action is at your command! Battle your way across the globe with awesome special moves and lethal weapon...
Shin Nekketsu Kōha Kunio-kun: Kunio-tachi no Banka is a beat 'em up in the Kunio / Nekketsu High series. The eternal rebel Kunio and his pal Riki finally get to face the long arm...
Saint Seiya: Sanctuary Battle immerses players in the most popular drama from Saint Seiya: the Sanctuary, as Seiya and his companions fight side by side to defeat the gold saints o...
Bad Street Brawler was developed by Beam Software in 1987 for the Amiga, Commodore 64, MS-DOS, and the Nintendo Entertainment System. It was one of two games that were designed for...
Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic is a PSN exclusive game based on Mark Healey's independently created PC title Rag Doll Kung Fu.
Побалуйте леди Тэллоумир и посмотрите, как далеко в ее любовно жестоких подземельях вы сможете углубиться в этом 2D платформере, вдохновленном инди-экшеном в стиле roguelike. Новые...
Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi, also known as just Shadow Dancer, is a side-scrolling action game produced by SEGA that was originally released for the SEGA Genesis in 1990....
The motorcycle combat simulator built for Twitch! Inspired by games such as Marbles on Stream and King of the Pit, your Twitch audience takes control of their own 'motomancer', ri...
The Brave and the Bold Видеоигра полностью погружает фанатов в яркий анимационный мир успешного телесериала, где дети могут играть за Бэтмена или вместе с семьей и друзьями в коопе...
This is a Mortal Kombat fan game made with OpenBor.
The president of Sony finds out that a prototype of the Playstation, a joint project with Nintendo, found its way into the public. He goes on a rampage through Sony HQ, destroying...
Boss Rush: Mythology - This is an action game in which you have to fight various creatures and gods from Greek, Scandinavian, Slavic and Egyptian mythologies. Take on the role of...
A 2D side scrolling action game set in the Mobile Suit Gundam Zeta universe.
A port of Dungeon Fighter Online for the Xbox 360. Supported 4 player online or offline co-op with 3 playable characters: Slayer, Fighter and Gunner Hack-and-slash action and 2D s...
In this version of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the player has three basic attacks (one of which is accomplished by pressing the two action buttons simultaneously), a throw, and t...
Betrayer: Curse of the Spine is an Action-Adventure Metroidvania. The game features decision making, crafting, fast-paced combat, multiple endings, intricate storytelling, an open...
5 Force Fighters is a 2D fighting game with a cast of unstoppable characters, and a combat system that boasts universal offensive and defensive options. Unravel the story of 5 teen...
Your Super Mario! What does that mean? It means you gotta go kick Bowsers ass! And thats exactly what your going to do!
A King's Tale: Final Fantasy XV - это 2D-драка с боковой прокруткой, действие которой разворачивается за 30 лет до событий Final Fantasy XV. Эта игра отличается графикой, вдохно...
Have you ever dreamed of walking on a magnificent world with the feeling that nothing can stop you because of your power, of what you are? You are the young and mighty god of thund...
Shadow War is a MMORPG set in a fantasy Eastern-themed environment. The game was released in Taiwan and Brazil and, even though officially offline since 2013, it still has active p...
In the year 2281, the war spanning half a century over territory between the United World Forces and the Raian Kingdom had at last come to an end. But this peace was not to last....