Join the Spirit Summoner, Treffy, in this side-scrolling action-platformer in the style of a Sunday morning anime TV show. In part 1, Treffy begins her story with Spirit friends an...
A stylish & exciting action game! Journey through medieval Japan, rendered in beautiful pixel art, to reach the moon and defeat Mother Kaguya!
Gangsta Bean returns, destroying junk food and nastiness where he finds it! More awesome adventures, skills, enemies and powerups. Booyah!
In The Ren & Stimpy Show: Time Warp the player takes command of the comedic duo on a quest through time to stop Stimpy's beloved hero, Muddy Mudskipper, from changing history and r...
Donatsu is a cute chubby ninja whose story you follow in Ninja Chowdown. He loves donuts more than anything! The Dough-jo Donuttery, a food chain and a ninja dojo at the same ti...
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix includes... Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix In the original and Final Mix versions of Kingdom Hearts, the command menu had four commands: Attack, Magic, Item...
Spin Master is a side-scrolling action game released by Data East in 1993. The adventurer Johnny along with his best friend Tom will use a large variety of weapons and attacks in o...
A side-scrolling platformer featuring a bizarre cast of characters created by manga artist Akira Miyashita.
EVERY enemy is a (potential) new best friend! Fight each boss, gain them as an ally, explore, and platform your way through each level. Build a strong group that can take down the...
Amour Vortex is an indygame we made for the wedding of our beloved friends Mel&Ben. Developed in secrecy for about 4 months, under the groom’s nose, it remained a total surprise. T...
Usagi na Panic is a side-scrolling action platform game released by Nihon Softec on Febuary 24, 1995 for the PC-9801. This game is a cute and colorful action platformer which is d...
The game takes place across a variety of levels, many of which require certain objectives to be performed to progress. Sir Daniel Fortesque can use a variety of weapons, consisting...