A desperate plea for help has come from the war-ravaged front lines, and Squad E has answered the call for reinforcements. Six different battlefields, each one a bleak struggle for...
Samurai Legends is a grand strategy roleplaying metaverse set in feudal Japan. In a single massive multiplayer world, players fight PvP battles, build, strategize and engage in pol...
A special mission that gives you a weapon useful in the early part of the main game. Additionally, if you complete it, you will also get Edy from the original Valkyria Chronicles a...
Experience the golden age of piracy through a strong and original narrative, real-time exploration and turn-based tactical combat in Flint - Treasure of Oblivion.
Sid Meier's Civilization III: Complete, the latest offering in the Sid Meier's Civilization III franchise, provides gaming fans with Sid Meier's Civilization III, the highly-addict...