The first game in the Zero Escape series, originally made as a standalone title Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors. The Zero Escape rebranding and alternative cover of the game w...
Unfairly saddled with crippling debt after the events of Part I, Itsuki Ninomae and the gang turn to fellow student and daughter of a crime lord Kotoko Teshigawara for help. An int...
Defend the innocent and save the day! Courtroom hero Phoenix Wright lays down the law this Winter in the digital release of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy. Experience the ori...
Methods is a visual novel with simple crime investigation gameplay where you examine evidence and answer multiple-choice questions about the solution.
Methods is a visual novel with simple crime investigation gameplay where you examine evidence and answer multiple-choice questions about the solution.
Methods: Detective Competition is a mystery visual novel The first chapter in the Methods Visual Novel series. Methods is a visual novel with simple crime investigation gameplay...
An FMV game where YOU are a psychiatrist trying to solve a double murder whilst treating the unusual patients of the recently deceased Doctor Dekker. Ask questions and link answers...
Действие происходит в 1956 году, Рейджи расследует серию странных преступлений, которые происходят вокруг женской академии, которая может быть причастна к убийству его жены. Кро...
A visual novel by the esteemed smut artist hasselnut - garage:VAMP's premise is simple, you've got a hunky vampire living in your garage who is trying to fuck your wife. Will true...
The Black Dawn DLC adds 3 new romance options into the game