Bittersweet Fools is a visual novel developed by Minori. The game takes place in Florence, Italy. The character design is by Yu Aida, whose Gunslinger Girl series also takes place...
In Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 4, follows Chihiro Ashihara, one of two princesses of a kingdom locatrd in a land called Nakatsu Kuni within the parallel world. During her childhood,...
Orange Honey: Boku wa Kimi ni Koishiteru is a otome game developed by Guyzware and was released for PlayStation 2.
Destiny Ninja 2+ is a social-based dating stimulation game developed and published by NTT Solmare. The game serves as the sequel to Destiny Ninja and was released on Apple and Andr...
QP Kiss is a game developed by Orange_Juice for April Fools' day 2007. It's a parody of their QP Shooting series, featuring genderbent characters in a mock-BL game.
Clock Zero: Shuuen no Ichibyou - Devote is a port of Clock Zero for Nintendo Switch. It adds new content set in the time the characters attend middle school.
Now included in the Story Jar app.
Fushigi Yuugi Genbu Kaiden: Kagami no Miko is a simulation game for Playstation 2, based on the shoo manga Fushigi Yuugi Genbu Kaiden. It was ported to PSP on September 21, 2006. I...
Sequel, also called a Fan Disk, to VitaminZ.
Dr. Rin ni Kiitemite! Koi no Rin Fuusui is a Japanese Game Boy Color game.
Ichirou recently moved back to Momiji, there he reunites with his childhood friend, Reika, but he also meets a strange girl who has a clear crush for him. With time new feelings ar...
You are a young lady who recently became an attendant of the court of Kyoto. You were raised in the countryside, so life in the imperial court is very new and different to you. Yo...
Starry * Sky: In Spring - Portable is an otome game, developed by honeybee and was released in Japan in 2010.
Piyo-Tan: Oyashiki Sennyuu Daisakusen! is a visual novel, developed and published by Prototype, which was released in Japan in 2008.
Tennis no Ouji-sama: Gakuensai no Ouji-sama is an otome game, developed by WinkySoft and published by Konami, which was released in Japan in 2005.
Gather information and deduce how to prevent predicted incidents before they occur. In Shinjuku City, various incidents will occur, such as assault, theft, and murder. The protagon...
A otome game that takes place in a host club.
Fandisc of Scarlet Rider Xechs.