The first entry in the Department Heaven Episodes, Riviera: The Promised Land, comes back as a remastered release. Various additional features have been implemented, significantly...
In this second part of River City Saga: Three Kingdoms, our beloved hot-blooded high-schooler from River City, Kunio (Guan Yu) charges his way through to the apex chapter of the Ro...
Sengoku Rance (также известный как Rance 7) - десятый выпуск серии Rance, выпущенный Alicesoft. История разворачивается в эпоху 4-го сэнгоку (воюющих государств) в ЯПОНИИ, области...
Rance 03 is a remake of the Rance III classic, featuring completely new art, an updated scenario, and a revised system. Much comparable with those of the Rance 01 remake. The game...
A metroidvania game heavily influenced by SOTN. Play as Lenga, the Battle Angel, going on a quest to reclaim the floating castle occupied by the Demon army!
In a world of human-like monsters, a young man lives in a quiet, remote village with his sister. However, he is attacked by monsters when he leaves the village. Now he works hard t...
Unlock over 80 fully animated and voiced scenes, battle 35 unique monstergirls as male or female in this magic themed RPG. Needs only one hand to play.
Join Maliki and her wacky family in their epic battle against Poison, a fearsome plant creature that has colonized space-time. Go along on a fantastic odyssey through the ages that...
The Remake of the End of the Greatest RPG of All Time is the last hour of a lost (nonexistent) JRPG, remade” in 3D pixel art complete with director’s commentary, the digital manual...
A 3D dungeon crawling RPG with animated H-scenes!
In Pocket Legend, a roguelike deck-builder, you control a hero transported to a world of legendary weapons. Strategically arrange items in your inventory to defeat enemies with uni...