This Visual Novel tells the story of a dark journey in a broken world. The action takes place in the abandoned estate of the former Order called “Black Rose”. One day this estate...
In Path of the Midnight Sun, we aim to blend a rich, immersive narrative with interesting and challenging turn-based tactical gameplay. You’ll follow a small band of morally gray c...
Wajin Ibunroku: Asaki, Yumemishi is a second game in Asaki, Yumemishi series. It's a Visual Novel directed to female demographic, developed and published by MIO, released in Japan...
Obey Me! One Master to Rule Them All is a romance simulation and RPG card mobile game produced by NTT Solmare Corp. It is one of many dating simulation games from a dating sim bran...
The Chrono Jotter is a mystery and suspense visual novel that follows the steps of Ran Ibuki, a high-school student, as she investigates against the clock to discover who's killing...
Port of Ayakashi: Romance Reborn for the Nintendo Switch. The city is under attack by the Wraith scourge! Only you and your handsome Ayakashi comrades have the power to protect th...
10 Days with My Devil is an otome game by Voltage Inc. You are to destined to die but you fall into a forbidden love with a demon or an angel. A former standalone app which has bee...
Suuran Digit is a Japanese otome visual novel. It is described as a romance visual novel for ladies and as a contemporary Japanese-style fantasy.
A fantasy otome game by Cybird.
A sequel to Liberation Maiden, although it sheds the three-dimensional shooting gameplay in favor of a visual novel approach. Liberation Maiden SIN follows the exploits of Kiyoto...
An otome game for the PlayStation Vita, about a group of students at a magic user's academy.
2083 AD. Akizuki High’s Superpower Club accomplishes their first victory and dominated the nationwide competition. However, the joy was only momentary. Due to a violent incident in...
A visual novel for Nintendo Switch.
A remake of QuinRose's earlier Crimson Empire otome game, featuring entirely new art.
Turn of the Golden Witch is the second arc in Umineko no Naku Koro ni. The arc follows Battler Ushiromiya and Beatrice as they battle over the existence of magic. This is the first...
Kamigami no Asobi: Ludere Deorum, abbreviated as KamiAso, is a Japanese otome game published by Broccoli (company). It was released in Japan on October 24, 2013 for the PlayStation...
Sailors who get lost in the storm always follow the flames of a lighthouse. It is a shining beacon of hope that guides them through even the heaviest of rains.
This is my very first Visual Novel, Viridescent Dragon Chapter 1. (As this is a kinetic visual novel, it is straight-forward and you could just auto-play it like a movie if...
The 7th Harukanaru Toki no Naka de game.
Rewind is a fantasy and mystery story under Shall We Date's Story Jar app.
Stand and fight for a love 1,000 years in the making. Your once peaceful life is turned upside down when a mystic wand awakens your latent powers as an Onmyouji Diviner. Ayakashi...
Banquet of the Golden Witch is the third arc in Umineko no Naku Koro ni. The story focuses largely on Eva Ushiromiya and her relationship with both herself and her family.
War of the Human Tanks - это сюжетная стратегическая игра с геймплеем, напоминающим линейный корабль и шахматы, в которой рассказывается о войне, верности, самопожертвовании и танк...