The player controls a boy named Tarosuke, who travels through Jigoku (the Japanese concept of Hell) fighting off yokai (mythical Japanese monsters) on his way to his final fate, as...
Yoshi’s Fabrication Station is a Yoshi’s Island level editor. It’s easy to use and has a faithful recreation of the original YI mechanics and physics!
Now you're really in trouble said the evil Wizard. I'm turning you into a ball of air and sending you into my mansion, with over 250 rooms, to search for the Spellbook that may giv...
The game ditches the alternating two-player method in favor of simultaneous co-op. Another new feature is a password back-up. Both Mickey and Minnie are identical gameplay-wise, a...
Duel with up to 4 players and scramble after gems as your favorite heroic or villainous knight in Shovel Knight Showdown. All the classic Shovel Knight characters you know and love...
Explore the avian world of Eagle Island with Quill and one of his loyal owls, Koji. Discover lush forests, treacherous caverns and uncover the ruins of long lost civilizations. Fin...
Переживите эру условно-бесплатной версии для ПК в этом ретро-платформере run n' roll! Как последний оставшийся полиролл, вы должны бегать, прыгать, переворачиваться, плавать и бомб...
Lucky Luna is a vertical scrolling platformer in which players will explore temples and dungeons while learning about the past of the protagonist Luna. Interestingly, there’s no ju...
Alfred Chicken is a side-scrolling adventure game created by Twilight.
Everybody knows what/who Pac-Man is from his heyday in the '80s, but this time, we're getting a whole new adventure of our little eater. Guess his stomach is full, 'cause there's n...
Meet Blue, our young wizard in training. He is on a mission. His mission is to defeat the evil wizard and return our powerful stasis rune dolls to the kingdom. These dolls are impo...
It is the start of a new age and Bonk has returned at the turn of the tide as the world faces extinction. Our loveable caveman is back and has brought his huge head with him. A doo...
Enter the wacky & whimsical world of Uurnog Uurnlimited, where you have only one goal: find your way around the world, and steal all the animals! Why? Because they’re adorable, and...
The deeper you travel the darker it gets, and you only have your arrows to light the way.
Treasure Adventure World is a metroidvania platform game set in a fantasy world of islands, magic, pirates and secrets.
ВЫ БУДЕТЕ ИГРАТЬ В ОДИНОЧКУ ИЛИ ВМЕСТЕ? Разработанная для Nintendo Switch, Super Chariot представляет собой 2D-платформенную игру, в которую можно играть до конца как в одиночно...
A mobile side-scrolling Action / Platform game where players assume the role of Magical Pretty Girl Momoka who finds herself summoned to a world where her default magic is useless,...
Abe is not the typical hero you would expect. He does not carry weapons, nor is he trained in any martial art. Yet he will have to face an impossible threat from increasingly viole...
Aim Climb is a platform game in which you use your Aiming skill to climb to the top and reach the summit. Anyone who can complete the highest difficulty level of this game can sure...
A doujin game by YuuYuutei based on the Touhou Project series.
Kiro the Kosmonaut is a casual space-themed platformer game. Embark on a journey through the solar system and prove that you have what it takes to reach Pluto in one piece! You'll...
Targhan is an Amiga beat'em up arcade game released in 1989 by Silmarils.
Marsupilami is a character created by Belgian cartoonist Franquin. Marsupilami is a long tailed made-up character who was stolen from the jungle and performs in a circus. After hel...
Перепрыгивайте через препятствия, победите армию Мононоке и спасите похищенных жителей деревни из их злых лап!
Hydra Castle Labyrinth is a Japanese action-adventure game. The gameplay style is inspired by Maze of Galious for the MSX.
Bouhou Youyoumu is a dungeon exploring action platformer, sequel to Bouhou Koumakyou ~Scarlet Family~, developed by Marokaka.
Gyromite is a video game released in 1985 for the Nintendo Entertainment System, designed for use with the Robotic Operating Buddy (R.O.B.). Gyromite is one of two games in Nintend...
Tiny Barbarian DX - это остросюжетная игра sword 'em up, вдохновленная фэнтезийным криминальным чтивом. Как и в тех коротких историях, игра разделена на четыре отдельных эпизода, в...