A post apocalyptic survival horror game in the middle of an outbreak follows the main Protagonist, Tenriyu Amuro. A father went to the manila for a job for his familly after he lea...
CastleMiner Z is an infinite world filled with deep places to explore, and horrifying monsters to slay. Build structures out of blocks, craft weapons and tools from raw materials,...
In a sinful city, a mysterious assassination organization was born. Whether this organization is just or evil, adventure is waiting for you.
Eternal Blood is a fast-paced shooter that places you in an arena to face legions of demons. Armed with dark magic and a fluid movement system, fight to survive alone or with a fri...
A horror game; but with full lights on! Backrooms brings a nostalgic feeling of being lost in endless empty rooms with fluorescent lights at full hum-buzz. You have to find your...
Silver Chains is a first-person horror game with a strong emphasis on story and exploration. Search for clues within an old abandoned manor to unravel the truth about the terrible...
Instinction — это доисторическая приключенческая игра с боями и исследованием множества впечатляющих природных локаций. Сразитесь с коварными зверями и отправьтесь в незабываемое п...
Nowhere: Lost Memories is a first person mystery adventure with touches of terror. An immersive game about exploration and discovery that will puts you in the role of a mysterious...
In this last chapter of the Five Nights at Freddy's original story, you must once again defend yourself against Freddy Fazbear, Chica, Bonnie, Foxy, and even worse things that lurk...
Panorama Toh (ぱのらま島 Panorama Island), released by Nihon Falcom for the NEC PC-8801 computer in 1983, departed from the standard RPG formula in various ways. It combined RPG ga...
A vengeful and angry killer is killing everyone in the camp, are you ready to escape? or are you ready to die?
A rogue-lite that aims to quench the community’s thirst for a title that properly balances survival mechanics with fulfilling gameplay. Dead Matter is a true sandbox survival horr...
Be prepared for a first-person look on life through the eyes of a teenager, who is trying to escape from mighty Aztec god Xipe Totec. Get ready for a chaotic experience with horror...
Inout is a cooperative horror game for 1-4 players. For years, the locals have been afraid of an old mansion in Madyland. A possessed maniac and an ancient evil have settled here....
The Caregiver is a psychological Japanese horror adventure game about a caregiver.
Deathground — это одиночная и кооперативная игра ужасов на выживание, в которой игроки погружаются в отчаянную битву за выживание против смертоносных ИИ-динозавров.
Experience 12 all-new spoopy games made in 10 days exclusively for this unique horror anthology. Explore a mysterious castle that changes as you play. Keep your wits about you as t...
Escape from an entity and defend yourself using your surroundings. Try to remember.
Backrooms: Realm of Shadows is a horror game that takes place in a seemingly endless maze of interconnected rooms and hallways, known as the Backrooms. The game is based on the pop...
Последний рубеж - это кампания, эксклюзивная для режима Survival Mode. Она появилась в Survival Pack - первом DLC для Left 4 Dead.
Survive on a remote Island, where a mysterious Outbreak awakens bloodthirsty monsters at night. Craft, build and defend your base in the brutal world of Outbreak Island, an open-wo...
Apocalyptic is a Zombie Survival Shooter Video Game. It begins in a church where zombies flood everywhere. There are survival quests as you proceed through the campaigns and you mu...
PARENTAL GUIDANCE IS ADVISED you know, just in case Can you escape a Psychopath who has captured you to entertain the dark side of the Internet? Your goal is to Escape doe...
The Blackout Club is a first-person co-op horror game centered around a group of teenage friends investigating a monstrous secret beneath the skin of their small town. 1-4 players...
A thrilling, first-person, action-survival game set in the modern post-apocalypse. As mankind’s last hope, you’ll traverse the hospital ravaged by a lethal plague. the fight for su...
Kurokishi no Kamen is a video game developed by Humming Bird Soft and published by Matsushita for the 3DO, as part of the Ghost Hunter series.
Испытайте весь ужас оригинальной FATAL FRAME: Maiden of BlackWater с новыми переработанными визуальными эффектами, новыми костюмами и функциями фоторежима. Основное приключение сос...
Harlequin Fair is an experimental RPG and immersive sim set in the shadows of Toronto by night. Cast dreadful spells, buy small arms with cash: cling to the light 'til the light bi...