In this third installment of the Dan Dare series, players control the titular hero as he escapes Treen captivity on a scientific satellite orbiting Venus. Dan must navigate five le...
BLASTER MASTER OVERDRIVE is an action-shooter charging players with saving the world from virus-infected mutants. BLASTER MASTER OVERDRIVE is an action-adventure game that takes p...
This is a game made with Tomb Raider Level Editor. It uses the mechanics of the 1996 version of Tomb Raider while recreating its entire story.
Take on the New Gods with a series of Alter Egos for your Characters.
A doujin game by YuuYuutei based on the Touhou Project series.
Magical Kids Doropie is a side-scrolling action-adventure video game for the Family Computer, developed by Vic Tokai in 1990.
Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection brings together six classic titles in one game: Mega Man Zero 1, 2, 3 and 4, as well as Mega Man ZX and ZX Advent. The collection also features Z...
My Friend Pedro is back in a brand new mobile adventure of blood, bullets and bananas! Flip and fire your way through 37 action packed levels on foot, on a motorcycle and even on a...
Tamarin features a unique gameplay mix that alternates between 3D-platforming and exploration, and third-person shooter gameplay. The game is inspired by the more open 3D adventure...
Slash and blast your way through a fantasy wasteland The world of New Haven is a wasteland. The ARC empire destroyed it with a single Mutagen Bomb that transformed its creatures...
Guns N 'Runs is a stylish platform, action and shooting game, featuring super specials and fast-paced Dash mechanics. Made for one player, with more than 200 challenges, 23 bosses,...
In Savage Halloween the world is taken over by monsters from the afterlife who were trapped in the Earth after a Halloween party, and now they have decided to make their new home h...
Do you have what it takes to make it out of a top-secret laboratory's depths? If so, are you up for the ultimate challenge? You play as a powerful monster in this action-packed pla...
Enhanced and updated for modern consoles, this is the definitive edition of BloodRayne. In this frenetic and bloody third-person shooter that unleashed the iconic red-headed femme...
Shadow the Hedgehog: Reloaded is a quality of life and enhancement mod for the original Shadow the Hedgehog.
MindSeize is a 2D Action Adventure game set in a futuristic universe. You must explore untamed planets, fight powerful enemies and defeat a mysterious organization that stole the m...
A doujin game by YuuYuutei based on the Touhou Project series.
An HD remaster of Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, which was originally exclusive to Japan. It was released globally for the first time as part of the collection Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5...
A 3D action starring a super-deformed version of the Grim Reaper (or, as the title would suggest, the junior successor to Death himself) featuring platforming and shooting elements...
Explore the birth of sapient AI in this atmospheric hacking adventure set in the sprawling world of Recompile.
Eye of Obsidian is a new chapter in the game's main story. It takes players to a previously unexplored region of Far Eden, the game's world. That's followed by two new overworlds,...
Quietus Allurement follows a captured man trapped in a facility that is doing illegal tests on him. Things go awry when the head of the facility began creating creatures and releas...
Дурацкая, хаотичная экшн-игра с постоянной смертью, подобной изгоям, открываемыми героями, повелителем времени, цыплятами, уровнями донки конга, уровнями геймбоя и многим другим. П...
Christian themed first-person shooter where you battle giant floating heads repenting Pride, Fear, Vanity and Self-righteousness.
Astronite is a 1bit metroidvania that combines action, exploration, puzzles and platforms. Recover the planet where you and yours lived before it was invaded by strange creatures.
The fight is on! Wooly has taken your precious bowler cap and now you are on a romp to go get it back! Explore the freeform world of 45 various areas in this RPG-Shooter hybrid. Co...
Karnov is a 1987 platform arcade game. It is the debut of Data East's mascot of the same name. After Data East became defunct due to bankruptcy in 2003, Paon, a company comprising...
Sega Genesis Collection features over 30 titles including, Altered Beast, Sonic The Hedgehog, Shinobi III, Phantasy Star, and the original Sega Genesis version of Golden Axe. Sega...