Harukanaru Kioku is a re-imagining of earlier Yami no Ketsuzoku games. The basic plot follows the events that began in the first installment, but it is told in an entirely differen...
Gakkou no Kaidan DS is a game of the Gakkou no Kaidan Game Series. It was released only in Japan in July 17, 2008 for the Nintendo DS.
What will you do when the last sky comes? The story follows a group of Tokyo high school students through a mystery revolving a prophecy about the end of the world and they trying...
Influenced by 20th century pulp fiction and styled after 1980s home computer gaming graphics, Pixel Pulps transports you to strange and cryptic worlds not unlike our own... Explore...
A visual novel from German VN.
Kara no Shoujo - The Last Episode is the third and final game in the Kara no Shoujo series.
Court is back in session with Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy!
A special feature on the school's Seven Wonders planned by Narukami Gakuen's newspaper club. However, there are constant rumors that first-year student Shuichi Sakagami, who partic...
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy HD was a deprecated collection of the first three installments of the Ace Attorney series with swipe commands, on-screen controls, and HD sprit...
The star magician of Morgan’s Traveling Circus has vanished, but the show must go on! Death Trick: Double Blind is a non-linear detective game where an unlikely duo must gather clu...
A brand-new turn-based RPG game filled with sexy magical girls! Can you unravel the mysteries? Assist the beautiful Kamisaman in stopping the raging demons and helping to get a wor...
Immerse yourself in neon, smoke, and high-stakes legal gambles as a Defense Attorney with uniquely Killer insights in this diabolically stylish visual novel adventure game.
Hello, my name is Masao Ikuo. Thank you for your patience, we are pleased to present the fourth volume of the detective Ryousuke Kibukawa incident story, ``Crimson Feathers on the...
Immediately after the Masque of Fantasy Murder Case,'' Renji Mirokuin, a freelance writer who is active in books related to the occult and is a friend of Masao Ikurumi, goes to an...
Oppai Odyssey is an adult visual novel and dating sim, focusing on the crew of USF starship Agni as they traverse the galaxy in search of a new planet for humanity to colonize. Enj...
In dreams, there are people you often meet, towns you often visit, and places you often die. Wake up in the morning and repeat.
A commemoration for the third anniversary of an actress’s death is being held on Ooe-jima, a remote island beyond Hachijou-jima, south of Tokyo. Osaki, a detective, receives a requ...
Sci-Fi Mystery Visual Novel. Nine people are trapped in an underground research facility, forced to play a game of life and death. Check your log to find the truth that connects th...
Can a scientist save a test subject from her life’s work? All documents enclosed relate to ██. ██████ and █████████’s history within the Youth Training and Development Initiative...
The 6th installment of the popular mystery game “Kibukawa Ryousuke Jiken-tan Series”! At the request of Detective Otonari, Ituna unravels a past serial murder case. Masao Ikuo is...
A dinner party attended by Germanic gods takes a dark turn when the host gets attacked. Can you uncover the truth and catch the assailant?