The game is about a girl named Sakurane Kaede who finds a lookalike of herself inside a mirror her late mother gave her. Ageha has the power to travel into the near past, where she...
Tantei Jinguuji Saburou: Kiken na Futari is the third game in the Jinguuji Saburo series, known in the West as Jake Hunter. It was originally released across two Famicom Disk Syste...
Inspired by visual novels and interactive fiction, An Afternoon Rippling is a text-based 2D adventure game about getting lost in a valley after your car breaks down. In your search...
The Space Between by Christoph Frey is a surreal short narrative experience in three acts about the walls we build for us.
The year is 1482. The age of exploration and enlightenment is on the distant horizon and the Renaissance is in full swing across Europe; but in England, the War of the Roses is in...
A fandisc for Palais de Reine for PC.
Вдоль края - это визуальный роман, действие которого разворачивается в сельской местности Европы, где ваш выбор влияет на личность и внешность главного героя.
Princess Rosavel is on a deep space mission but can’t quite remember her purpose. Can she recollect her memories and find out why she went on such a dangerous journey?
A dream in a world of plasticine. hlina is an adventure game released as a part of the 39th edition of the indie virtual zine Indiepocalypse. It will be released as a standalone g...
Welcome to Narugami Elementary School. The Gakkou de atta Kowai Hanashi novels have finally become a visual novel! New storytellers will appear in addition to some nostalgic chara...
This work is a PSP version of the the Missing Parts stories released on Dreamcast and PS2 from 2002 to 2004. It is a mystery adventure game set in the local city of Wenhu, where De...
A visual novel where the protagonist finds himself trapped in a time loop where he must relive the same day over and over again.
Six of them wanted out. Six of them wanted in. Now, all twelve of them are trapped in a prison where a fate worse than death awaits them. Can they survive the wiles of Empathy Syst...
On the whimsical Night of the Fairies, Crow Yamada lands on the rooftop of a quaint patisserie known as Folkroll. Without any memories, he strives to help the cute employees by bec...
Miracle collaboration work by Tomokazu Sugita, multi-talent voice-cast, and Toshimichi Mori, BLAZBLUE series producer! Please note that this game is only available in Japanese.
Inspired by classic point-and-click adventure games of the past, Who Stole My Beard is a casual game suitable for all ages! Your beard has been stolen! You and your loyal dog Leo m...
Eight strangers awake in an unfamiliar complex. They find themselves forced to solve intricate puzzle rooms and fight for their lives in deadly games. What happened to the outside...
Exit/Corners is an episodic adventure featuring visual novel story segments and riddle-based puzzles. Five strangers find themselves trapped in an abandoned hotel that’s set to col...
A port of the alternative version of Hirukowashi-hen originally included in Kizuna Volume II, which contains several changes to its original version in Kai, namely the addition and...
R no Shosai is a downloadable 2-part Soundlink game for the Satellaview that was broadcast in at least 2 distinct runs between June 1, 1997 and February 21, 1998. The game is a mys...
This is a romance visual novel. Nigel is a house painter. While trying to earn money with his two colleagues and taking care of 6-year-old Alicia, Nigel decides to take in a new te...