The third game in the Spirit Hunter series. The story is set in a suburb of H City in Tokyo and revolves around Konoehara Academy, a school where gruesome events occur every ten y...
In this game you revisit the story of Disney’s Pocahontas in an interactive storybook format. Each page contains a scene from the movie with narrated text, and multiple characters...
Aoi, a third year middle school student who attends an all-boy's junior and senior high school. Hinata, the mysterious Dead of Night Man who only appears at 2 A.M. beneath the saku...
A sequel to Shirahana no Ori - Hiiro no Kakera 4 with four seasonal stories: Song of Spring, Summer Festival, Autumn Harvest and Winter Snowflakes.
Moonlight Lovers is a dating sim developed by Beemoov, where the plot focuses on a girl who inherited a manor from her parents upon her 18th birthday. She begins moving into the ma...
One-Hit Wonder is a short visual novel written in Catalan language, the first of its kind. Our protagonist joins a young man called Ismael in his nocturnal journey through a cyberp...
Halloween-themed murder mystery visual novel in the kooky town of Misteria. When Kira and Ame return to their hometown of Misteria for their college break, it doesn't really take...
Open-minded, brave, and impatient, you’re passionate about monster movies and filmmaking. In fact, you’ve got plans to spend this last summer before film school making a movie with...
Get a taste of the foreign travel offered by printed guidebooks. Enjoy a tour around Japan from the comfort of your own home! As the game's protagonist, you'll travel to famous Ja...
Yoshiya has been seeing continuous lucid dreams every night since he was small. Even though his mind doesn’t get to rest during his ‘sleep’, he still doesn’t experience heavy fatig...
Мицуки, бесцельный молодой человек, готовящийся к вступительным экзаменам в университет, влюбляется в молодую мать-одиночку, которая живет в его жилом комплексе. Между этими несовп...
Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru: Shinjitsu to Gensou no Nocturne is a remaster of Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru for the Playstation 3 by Alchemist. It was released in Japan on Decemb...
‘A Musical Story’ is a rhythm game set against a 70s backdrop. A Musical Story is the debut game from independent French developer, Glee-Cheese Studio.
A fangame of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Inspired by Ace Attorney Investigations, created by GabuEx and ZeusAssassin published on the Equestrian Dreamers website. Unfortun...
Diamond Girl is such a game! This is a love story game in which relationships form between the love-allergic heroine who wears track suits around and the handsome men. This is an o...
This is the consumer port of the title that was released as a PC game in September 2020. For the consumer version, new episodes drawn by the original team of Riko Hakoeda and Tom F...
Elan is a strategy visual novel, developed and published by Visco, which was released in Japan in 1999.
A coming of age story that sets the protagonist and his friends on a journey kickstarted by a chain of serial murders. Now available on modern platforms, the world-renowned Person...
Rewrite is an all-ages rated Japanese visual novel developed by Key. The story follows the life of Kotaro Tennoji, a high school student with superhuman abilities who investigates...
Выбор Александрии - это интерактивная новелла. Ваш выбор определяет ход истории. Он полностью основан на тексте - 90 000 слов, без графики или звуковых эффектов - и подпитывается о...
Ремейк оригинального Steins; Gate, который заменяет иллюстрации из предыдущих выпусков переработанными кадрами FMV из аниме-адаптации Steins; Gate.
Amplitude - это визуальный роман, ориентированный на сюжет. Вы играете либо за Адама, либо за Еву, жертву убийства, которая заключила сомнительную сделку, чтобы отомстить. С помощь...