2083 AD. Akizuki High’s Superpower Club accomplishes their first victory and dominated the nationwide competition. However, the joy was only momentary. Due to a violent incident in...
Hakuoki Shinkai: Tsukikage no Shou is a story of a samurai who fought for his belief during the chaotic Edo period. This is a work that took up the daily story and the backside of...
Otome game by Voltage where you learn to fall in love after being scornfully betrayed and used by your ex-husband. “I thought I was done with love… He proved me wrong.” Newly div...
Shinigami to Shoujo is a visual novel by Takuyo.
Share a heart-to-heart talk, watch a movie together, take a bath, remove a computer virus, help a girl in a tough spot and—if you're lucky—find the love of your life using the colo...
Rewind is a fantasy and mystery story under Shall We Date's Story Jar app.
A fantasy otome game by A'sRing and Dramatic Create.
A red crescent moon night. Before you notice, you're in a different world, faced by the five princes that rule Makai. Seeking the magic hidden in your lips, they charm you with s...
An exciting love simulation game for girls! It's the ultimate romance game/otome game for ladies who love handsome guys!
LucyDream's new otome game centered around a girl in zombie-infested Joseon.
Arcana Famiglia: Vascello Phantasma no Majutsushi is a japanese visual novel. Has a similar plot to its predecessor with the addition of new two male characters: Ash and Joshua.
Port of Hakuoki Reimeiroku for the PS Vita with new CGs. Years before the beginning of Hakuouki, the Shinsengumi was known as the Mibu Roushigumi. A wandering young man named Ibuk...
PS2 otome game inspired by a Manga Walker series.
Hisui no Shizuku - Hiiro no Kakera 2 is a sequel to Hiiro no Kakera for PlayStation 2.
Sequel to Hakuoki Yuugiroku.
An otome game developed by Girls Dynamics. This is a remake of the original PC game with new CGs and new scenarios.
A mobile dating simulation game where the protagonist, a private investigator by the name of Dell, must recover her memories in an advanced society that treats memories like curren...
Another Vocaloid visual novel from Supplement Time. This one was released at Comiket 76.