Empyreal Dawn is a Gothic Fantasy Adventure where you lead a party named Caeruleum. Together with your Swordsmaiden partner, Alice Starwell, undertake your first steps toward becom...
Parasite Black is a mature, dark fantasy adult RPG sandbox game, with turn-based combat and VN style sandbox exploration, set in the world of Mirnos, a world under the fierce onsla...
Shangrlia is a turn-based tactical game. The ten female commanders reside in the castle and can be approached in any order. Each of them transfers the player to a different locatio...
A former occult magazine editor, who had just been dumped by his girlfriend, suddenly lost his memory after drinking at a gay bar in Shinjuku, and found himself lying on a strange...
Pursue love and glory with unruly royals, seductive Fae, and rogue assassins in this epic text-based RPG romance set in a kingdom on the brink of war. As a member of the royal guar...
Dragon Knight II is the predecessor to Knights of Xentar, the only Dragon Knight game that was ever translated into English. This is a first-person game that is mainly dedicated to...